Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Uranium Environmental aspects)

Select Item Title Year Published
A preliminary radiological assessment of radon exhalation from phosphate gypsum piles and inactive uranium mill tailings piles / 1979
Depleted uranium : technical brief / 2006
Depleted uranium in Serbia and Montenegro : post-conflict environmental assessment. 2002
Depleted uranium technical brief / {electronic resource} : 2006
Effects of uranium-mining releases on ground-water quality in the Puerco River Basin, Arizona and New Mexico / 1997
Evaluation of permeable reactive barriers for removal of uranium and other inorganics at the Department of Energy Y-12 Plant, S-3 Disposal Ponds 1999
Metal of dishonor, depleted uranium : how the Pentagon radiates soldiers and civilians with DU weapons / 1999
Nuclear energy risks and benefits 1980
Occurrence of uranium and 222radon in glacial and bedrock aquifers in the northern United States, 1993-2003 / 2007
Performance evaluation of in-situ iron reactive barriers at the Oak Ridge Y-12 Site 2001
Radon, radium, and uranium in drinking water 1990
RadTown USA : Depleted Uranium Projectiles. 2008
Reference computations of public dose and cancer risk from airborne releases of uranium and Class W plutonium 1995
Toxicological profile for uranium 1990
Toxicological profile for uranium / 1999
Uranium : mineralogy, geochemistry and the environment / 1999

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