Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 30
Showing: Items 1 - 30
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Uranium mining)

Select Item Title Year Published
Control of Radon and Daughters in Uranium Mines and Calculations on Biologic Effects. 1950
Environmental analysis of the uranium fuel cycle. 1973
Environmental Report, Operating License Stage for Uranium Concentrator 1971
Hardrock Mining Framework, Draft Final 1996
Hydrogeologic Investigations at Proposed Uranium Mine near Dewey, South Dakota 1983
Impact of the Schwartzwalder Mine on the Water Quality of Ralston Creek, Ralston Reservoir, and the Upper Long Lake 1972
Proceedings of Governors' Conference on Health Hazards in Uranium Mines Held in Denver, Colo., 16 Dec 60. 1961
Production and Processing of Metals: Their Disposal and Future Risks. 1991
Radiation protection in the mineral extraction industry : recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. 1993
Radium Monitoring Network, Data Release No. 8 1966
Radium Monitoring Network. Data Release Number 1. 1962
Radium Monitoring Network. Data Release Number 10. 1967
Radium Monitoring Network. Data Release Number 11. 1967
Radium Monitoring Network. Data Release Number 12. 1968
Radium Monitoring Network. Data Release Number 13. 1968
Radium Monitoring Network. Data Release Number 14. 1969
Radium Monitoring Network. Data Release Number 15. 1969
Radium Monitoring Network. Data Release Number 16. 1970
Radium Monitoring Network. Data Release Number 2. 1963
Radium Monitoring Network. Data Release Number 3. 1963
Radium Monitoring Network. Data Release Number 4. 1964
Radium Monitoring Network. Data Release Number 5. 1964
Radium Monitoring Network. Data Release Number 6. 1965
Radium Monitoring Network. Data Release Number 7. 1965
Radium Monitoring Network. Data Release Number 8. 1966
State of the art: uranium mining, milling, and refining industry / 1974
Supplemental Environmental Report Operating License Stage for Uranium Concentrator 1971
Symposium on Energy and Human Health: Human Costs of Electric Power Generation. 1979
Technical Report on Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials from Uranium Mining. Volume 2. Investigation of Potential Health, Geographic, and Environmental Issues of Abandoned Uranium Mines. 2007
Technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive materials from uranium mining. 2007

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