Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=United States Social conditions)

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Select Item Title Year Published
30 days / 2006
A comparative atlas of America's great cities : twenty metropolitan regions / 1976
Affluenza : the all consuming epidemic / 2001
Affluenza : the all-consuming epidemic / 2005
America's children : key national indicators of well-being, 2005. 2005
America's commitment : women 2000 : meeting the unique challenges of women and children's environmental health / 2000
American Indian history : five centuries of conflict & coexistence / 2004
American woman, 1999-2000 : a century of change--what's next? / 1998
April 4, 1968 : Martin Luther King, Jr.'s death and how it changed America / 2008
Backlash : the undeclared war against American women / 1992
Barack Obama : the voice of an American leader / 2009
Before the streetlights come on : Black America's urgent call for climate solutions / 2023
Better not bigger : how to take control of urban growth and improve your community / 1999
Better together : restoring the American community / 2003
Between the world and me / 2015
Bowling alone : the collapse and revival of American community / 2000
Crabgrass frontier : the suburbanization of the United States / 1985
Disasters, accidents, and crises in American history : a reference guide to the nation's most catastrophic events / 2008
For hearing people only : answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about the deaf community, its culture, and the "deaf reality" / 2003
Fresh fruit, broken bodies : migrant farmworkers in the United States / 2013
Fuel / 2010
Generations : a century of women speak about their lives / 1997
Greening of America 1995
Health, Education, and Human Services Division reports health, education, employment, social security, welfare, veterans / 1994
Hot, flat, and crowded : why we need a green revolution-- and how it can renew America / 2008
Hot, flat, and crowded : why we need a green revolution--and how it can renew America / 2009
Mandate for change 1993
Megatrends 2000 : ten new directions for the 1990's / 1990
Megatrends : ten new directions transforming our lives / 1982
Megatrends for women 1993
Moment in the sun; a report on the deteriorating quality of the American environment 1967
Once there were greenfields : how urban sprawl is undermining Americas's environment, economy, and social fabric / 1999
Pesticides, a love story : America's enduring embrace of dangerous chemicals / 2015
Place to live. 1963
Quality of life : prepared for Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency / 1973
Quality of life indicators in U.S. metropolitan areas, 1970 : a comprehensive assessment / 1975
Rethinking social policy race, poverty, and the underclass / 1993
Ruminations from the garden / 2010
Rumors of our progress have been greatly exaggerated : why women's lives aren't getting any easier--and how we can make real progress for ourselves and our daughters / 2008
Running the numbers : an American self-portrait / 2009
Social indicators 1973 : selected statistics on social conditions and trends in the United States / 1973
Social stratification in the United States : the new American profile poster: a book-and-poster set / 2000
Some of my best friends are Black : the strange story of integration in America / 2012
The almanac of state legislatures : state data atlas / 1994
The greening of America : how the youth revolution is trying to make America livable / 1970
The idea that is America : keeping faith with our values in a dangerous world / 2007
The wrong complexion for protection : how the government response to disaster endangers African American communities / 2012
Through deaf eyes / 2007
Too much magic : wishful thinking, technology, and the fate of the nation / 2012
Trace a journey through memory, history, and the American land 2015
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