Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 62
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=United States Environmental conditions)

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Select Item Title Year Published
"Environmental Indicators Initiative" and "Draft Report on the Environment." 2003
Air, climate, and energy : strategic research action plan / 2016
America's environmental report card : are we making the grade? / 2005
America's environmental report card : are we making the grade? / 2011
American environmental history 2003
American environmentalism : philosophy, history, and public policy / 2014
American wilderness : a new history / 2007
Analysis and planning for integrated coastal management {electronic resource}. 1995
Barnyards and Birkenstocks : why farmers and environmentalists need each other / 2014
Before the streetlights come on : Black America's urgent call for climate solutions / 2023
Better not bigger : how to take control of urban growth and improve your community / 1999
Carbon nation : fossil fuels in the making of American culture / 2014
Comparative environmental politics / 2012
Defending mother earth : Native American perspectives on environmental justice / 1996
Down to earth : nature's role in American history / 2002
Downstream toward home : a book of rivers / 2014
Ecological health in the nation's streams, 1993-2005 / 2013
Effects of urbanization on stream ecosystems / 2005
EM : Air & Waste Management Association's magazine for environmental managers. 1996
Environmental values in American culture / 1996
Environmental values in American culture / 1995
EPA's draft report on the environment 2003 / 2003
EPA's draft report on the environment : technical document / 2003
EPA's draft report on the environment : technical document / 2003
Failed promises : evaluating the federal government's response to environmental justice / 2015
Fishy business : salmon, biology, and the social construction of nature / 1999
Frackopoly : the battle for the future of energy and the environment / 2016
Fuel / 2010
Great events from history II Ecology and the environment series / 1995
Ground water report to the nation : a call to action / 2007
Guide to environmental issues / 1996
Guide to environmental issues / 1994
Guide to environmental issues / 1995
Hot, flat, and crowded : why we need a green revolution-- and how it can renew America / 2008
Hot, flat, and crowded : why we need a green revolution--and how it can renew America / 2009
Landscape pattern indicators for the nation / 2008
Losing ground : American environmentalism at the close of the twentieth century / 1996
Losing ground : American environmentalism at the close of the twentieth century / 1995
Nature's bounty : historical and modern environmental perspectives / 1999
Nature's nation : an environmental history of the United States / 1998
NEON : addressing the nation's environmental challenges / 2004
NOAA environmental digest : selected environmental indicators of the United States and the global environment. 1990
Once there were greenfields : how urban sprawl is undermining Americas's environment, economy, and social fabric / 1999
Pesticides, a love story : America's enduring embrace of dangerous chemicals / 2015
Riparian ecosystems : a preliminary assessment of their importance, status, and needs / 1980
Running dry : essays on energy, water, and environmental crisis / 2015
Running the numbers : an American self-portrait / 2009
Sierra Club chronicles. Season one / 2006
State/federal workshop on joint development of environmental and toxicological information resources : summary and proceedings : May 28-29, 1985 at the National Library of Medicine / 1985
Statistical record of the environment 1995
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