Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=United States Environmental Protection Agency Region V)

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Select Item Title Year Published
15th anniversary, 1970-1985, U.S. EPA Region 5. 1985
1997 honor awards ceremony. 1997
2001 Honor Awards 2001
Agenda for action. 1998
Agenda for action. 1998
Agenda for action. 1996
Assessment of Region 5 / 1982
At a Glance : Environmental Benefits Being Considered in Award of Great Lakes Grants. 2013
At a Glance : Management Weaknesses Delayed Response to Flint Water Crisis. 2018
At a Glance : New Procedures Aided Region 5 in Reducing Unliquidated Obligations. 2013
Audio-visual library : programs are listed with first available date : courtesy of U.S. EPA Region V, Office of Public Affairs / 1983
Celebrating success in 2002. 2002
Draft Region V policy for unusual ambient air quality data. 1983
EMPACT Local Urban Environmental Issues Study of Metropolitan Areas in EPA Region 5. 2001
Environment midwest, together / 1973
Environmental benefits being considered in award of Great Lakes grants. 2013
EPA Region 5 : the Best of 2007. 2008
EPA's 2008 Report on the Environment : Indicators Presenting Data for EPA Region 5. 2008
EPA's Four Star Flicks / 1978
EPA, Region 5 2003 Successes : a Trip Around the Region. 2003
Films & videotape library, available free loan from EPA : distributed by: FilmComm, 641 North Avenue, Glendale Heights, IL 60139, (708) 790-3300 / 1994
Films & videotape library, available free loan from EPA : distributed by: FilmComm, 641 North Avenue, Glendale Heights, IL 60139, (708) 790-3300 / 1992
Fiscal 1993, Superfund performance measures Region 5. 1994
FY 91 : it was a very good year : highlights of Regional firsts and other accomplishments / 1991
Geographic Information Systems Management Office, USEPA Region V : 1st year of operations. 1989
Guide to manual environmental data systems available for reference in USEPA Region V 1983
Guidebook regional planning process / 1980
Guidelines for answering public inquiry. 1980
Illinois superfund cooperative agreements : Report of audit. 1995
Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin : highlights together '78, October 1, 1977 to December 31, 1978. 1978
Improving state/regional information flows in Region V : findings and recommendations / 1986
Indiana superfund cooperative agreements : report of audit / 1995
Library, GLNPO collection, EPA Region 5, acquisitions list / 1992
Long term strategic plan : Environmental Sciences Division : protecting health and environment through quality science and quality service. 1993
Major non-CTG VOC sources in Region 5 areas requiring 1982 ozone SIPs / 1981
Management weaknesses delayed response to Flint water crisis. 2018
Manual of custody and non-custody sample handling procedures, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region V. 1978
Mid-year evaluation of Region V water programs. 1985
Minnesota superfund cooperative agreements ritari post and pole : Report of audit. 1994
Monitoring and evaluation guidebook. 1982
Multi-media noncompliance profile : corporate cross-regional identification program (CCRIP), region V / 1990
Multi-media noncompliance profile : region V / 1988
New procedures aided Region 5 in reducing unliquidated obligations / 2013
PCB hearing : special meeting of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region V - Chicago, IL. 1977
Planning and resources : FY 1978 end-of-year report : FY 1979 operating plan planning process. 1978
Pollution prevention : meeting the environmental challenges of the 1990s : Region 5 FY91 accomplishments. 1991
Pollution prevention resources for EPA Region 5. 2001
Potential noncompliance profile : region V / 1986
Public participation requirements within the programs of Region V. 1981
Publications from Region 5 / 1993
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