Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 102
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Select Item Title Year Published
1994 research accomplishments. 1995
2004 ORD Managers' Leadership Summit : August 16-20, 2004, Philadelphia Marriott Downtown / 2004
2004 ORD managers' leadership summit : catalytic management : igniting leadership at all levels. 2004
A framework for a computational toxicology research program. 2003
Air, climate, and energy : strategic research action plan / 2016
An overview : Office of Research and Development, strategic plan. 2001
An overview inquiry of the Office of Research and Development of the Environmental Protection Agency : a report / 1974
Asthma Intervention Pilot Study in Public Housing: Lessons and Baseline Data. 2000
At a Glance : EPA's Office of Research and Development Could Better Use the Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act to Improve Operations. 2009
At a Glance : Office of Research and Development Needs to Improve Its Method of Measuring Administrative Savings. 2011
At a Glance : Recipient subawards to fellows did not comply with federal requirements and EPA's involvement in fellow selection process creates the appearance EPA could be circumventing the hiring process. 2014
At a Glance : To Ensure Greater Use of Scientific Equipment, the Office of Research and Development Should Use an Enterprise Approach to Property Management. 2015
Bibliography of the Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Research and Development energy-related publications. 1977
Briefing book : Office of Research and Development, Environmental Protection Agency. 1978
Ecosystem monitoring and ecological indicators : an annotated bibliography / 1994
Environmental Protection Agency research authorization for appropriations for fiscal year 1979 : conference report to accompany H.R. 11302. 1978
Environmental research : STAR grants focus on agency priorities, but management enhancements are possible : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on VA, HUD, and Independent Agencies, Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives / 2000
EPA quality assurance officer's handbook. Vol. 1, Quality control samples, performance evaluations, technical assistance. 1981
EPA Research and Development guidance, fiscal year 1980/81. 1979
Fiscal years 1995-1996 research accomplishments. 1997
Fundamental and applied research at the Environmental Protection Agency / 1993
Fundamental and applied research at the Environmental Protection Agency. 1993
FY-1991 EPA research program guide : October 1, 1990 - September 30, 1991. 1990
Handbook for preparing Office of Research and Development reports / 1990
Handbook for preparing Office of Research and Development reports / 1989
Handbook for preparing Office of Research and Development reports / 1983
Handbook for preparing Office of Research and Development reports / 1986
Handbook for preparing Office of Research and Development reports / 1978
Handbook for preparing Office of Research and Development reports. 1995
Handbook for preparing Office of Research and Development reports. 1995
Human health risk assessment : strategic research action plan / 2016
Igniting leadership at all levels to ensure the Earth's vitality : a series of instructional videos about ORD's leadership journey / 2005
Implementation of ORD strategic research plans : a joint report of the Science Advisory Board and ORD Board of Scientific Counselors / 2012
Indexed bibliography of Office of Research and Development reports / 1974
Indexed bibliography of Office of Research and Development reports updated to January 1975, 1975
Nanomaterial research strategy. 2009
National Exposure Research Laboratory Policy and Procedures for Clearance of Scientific and Technical Products (STP) / 1999
National Risk Management Research Laboratory supplement to ORD policy and procedures, section 2.11 for promotion of engineers and scientists in research, development, and expert positions to the GS-14 and GS-15 grade levels. 2001
Office of Research and Development (ORD) new strategic research directions : a joint report of the Science Advisory Board (SAB) and ORD Board of Scientific Counselors (BOSC). 2011
Office of Research and Development : Position Management System as of June 30, 1975. 1975
Office of Research and Development program guide : fiscal year 1978, October 1977-September 1978. 1977
One Health : Healthy Environments, Healthy Animals, Healthy People. 2024
ORD '80 : the organization / 1980
ORD 35th honor awards : protect the environment, save the world. 2015
ORD administrative conference : summary report and face book. 2001
ORD administrative conference : summary report. 2001
ORD annual report. 0
ORD BBS : user's manual, v. 2.0. 1991
ORD BBS : user's manual. 1990
ORD Computational toxicology program FY04 activity report / 2004
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