Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=United States Dept of Energy)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Accelerating cleanup : paths to closure. 1998
Alternative landfill cover : subsurface contaminants focus area and characterization, monitoring, and sensor technology crosscutting program. 2000
Analysis of federal energy roles and structure : report 1982
Annual plan for fiscal year ... / 1980
Annual report to Congress on federal government energy management and conservation programs : fiscal year 1992. 1994
Applicability of RCRA to Department of Energy facilities. 1985
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program : observing and understanding climate. 2002
Buried waste integrated demonstration : technology summary. 1994
Capsule review of DOE research and development laboratories and field facilities 1992
Cement bentonite thin diaphragm wall : subsurface contaminants focus area / 2000
Characterization, monitoring, and sensor technology crosscutting program technology summary. 1995
Characterization, monitoring, and sensor technology integrated program (CMST-IP) technology summary. 1994
Cleaning up the Department of Energy's nuclear weapons complex. 1994
Cleanup technology : better management for DOE's technology development program : report to Congressional requesters / 1992
Climate change : EPA and DOE should do more to encourage progress under two voluntary programs : report to Congressional requesters. 2006
Committed to results : DOE's environmental management program, an introduction / 1994
Complex cleanup : the environmental legacy of nuclear weapons production : summary. 1991
Complex cleanup : the environmental legacy of nuclear weapons production. 1991
Containing the Cold War mess : restructuring the environmental management of the U.S. nuclear weapons complex / 1997
Contaminant plumes containment and remediation focus area 1995
Control technology for radioactive emissions to the atmosphere at U.S. Department of Energy facilities 1984
Decision making in the U.S. Department of Energy's Environmental Management Office of Science and Technology 1999
Department of Energy : accompanying report of the National Performance Review / 1994
Department of Energy : national priorities needed for meeting environmental agreements : report to the Secretary of Energy / 1995
Department of Energy acting to control hazardous wastes at its Savannah River nuclear facilities report to the Honorable Ernest F. Hollings, United States Senate / 1984
Department of Energy cleaning up inactive facilities will be difficult : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, House of Representatives / 1993
Department of Energy gasohol policy : hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, Ninety-sixth Congress, second session, July 28, 1980. 1980
Department of Energy project management at the Rocky Flats Plant needs improvement : report to Congressional requesters / 1992
DOE management impediments to environmental restoration management contracting : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives / 1992
Efficient separations and processing crosscutting program : technology summary. 1995
Electric vehicles efforts to complete advanced battery development will require more time and funding : report to the Ranking Minority Member, Committee on Governmental Affairs, United States Senate / 1995
Energy conservation DOE's efforts to promote energy conservation and efficiency : report to the Chairman, Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources Subcommittee, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives/ 1992
Energy Department's Office of Environment does not have a large role in decision-making : report to the Chairman, Committee on Governmental Affairs, United States Senate 1980
Energy efficiency : opportunities exist for federal agencies to better inform household consumers : report to the Chairman, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, U.S. Senate / 2007
Energy issues 1992
Energy management DOE controls over contractors' use of FTS are inadequate : report to the chairman, Subcommittee on Telecommunications and Finance, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives / 1990
Environment, safety, & health : Status of Department of Energy's implementation of 1985 initiatives : fact sheet for the ranking minority member, Subcommittee on Energy, Nuclear Proliferation, and Government Processes, Committee on Governmental Affairs, United States Senate / 1986
Environmental funding : DOE needs to better identify funds for hazardous waste compliance : report to the chairman, Subcommittee on Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources, House Committee on Government Operations / 1987
Federal facilities issues involved in cleaning up hazardous waste : statement of Richard L. Hembra, Director, Environmental Protection Issues, Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division, before the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight, Committee on Public Works and Transportation, House of Representatives / 1992
Federal regulation of propane and naphtha : is it necessary? : report to the Congress / 1978
FY 1993 program summary, Office of Research and Development, Office of Demonstration, Testing and Evaluation 1994
FY 1994 program summary 1994
FY 1995 technology development needs summary. 1994
Government contractors selected agencies' efforts to identify organizational conflicts of interest : report to Congressional committees / 1995
Greenhouse effect : DOE's programs and activities relevant to the global warming phenomenon : briefing report to the chairman, Subcommittee on Environment, Energy and Natural Resources, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives / 1990
Hanford federal facility agreement and consent order : (tri-party agreement) / 1993
Improving the environment : an evaluation of DOE's environmental management program / 1995
In situ remediation integrated program : technology summary. 1994
Innovation investment area : technology summary. 1994
Is spent fuel or waste from reprocessed spent fuel simpler to dispose of? report / 1981
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