Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 42
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=United States Delaware River)

Select Item Title Year Published
2003 Delaware Estuary water education resource guide / 2002
A Study of the phytoplankton in the Delaware River Basin streams in New York State / 1973
An ecological study of the Delaware River in the vicinity of Artificial Island : a report of progress for the period June-December 1968 / 1969
Before the waters : the Upper Delaware Valley / 1966
Chemical characteristics of Delaware River water, Trenton, New Jersey, to Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania / 1954
Chemical characteristics of Delaware River water, Trenton, New Jersey, to Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania / 1954
Damming the Delaware : the rise and fall of Tocks Island Dam / 2005
DECS II : digital computer program for simulation of the Delaware Estuary's behavior / 1965
Delaware estuary comprehensive study : program review, February 1965 / 1965
Delaware estuary comprehensive study : program review, January 1964 / 1964
Delaware Estuary Comprehensive Study : water use advisory committee guide / 1964
Delaware estuary comprehensive study, Preliminary report and findings. 1966
Delaware Estuary: comprehensive study; summary of the preliminary report and findings. 1966
Delaware River Basin water code / 1988
Delaware River water quality Bristol to Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania, August 1949 to December 1963 / 1965
Dynamic water quality forecasting and management / 1973
Final report for Delaware estuary comprehensive study / 1964
Greenhouse effect, sea level rise, and salinity in the Delaware Estuary / 1986
History of the human ecology of the Delaware Estuary / 1994
Master siting study : major electric generating projects, Delaware River Basin, 1974-1988 - Report to the Delaware River Basin Commission / 1974
Observations of tidal flow in the Delaware River / 1962
Oxygen regeneration of polluted rivers: the Delaware River / 1970
Petroleum industry in the Delaware estuary : a report to National Science Foundation Rann Program / 1977
Pleistocene geology and unconsolidated deposits of the Delaware Valley, Matamoras to Shawnee on Delaware, Pennsylvania / 1971
Record low tide of December 31, 1962 on the Delaware River / 1966
Report on the comprehensive survey of the water resources of the Delaware River basin, / 1960
Review of present water quality and interstate standards of the Delaware Estuary : interim report from the Technical Committee to the Policy Advisory Committee. 1963
River basin administration and the Delaware / 1960
Salinity of the Delaware estuary / 1962
Salinity tests of existing channel : report no. 2 [of] Delaware River model study / 1954
Sediment transport by streams draining into the Delaware estuary / 1974
Some relations between streamflow characteristics and the environment in the Delaware River region, 1963
Testing And Sampling Program to Determine the Nature and Source of Shoaling in the Delaware Estuary / 1967
The Delaware / 1940
The Delaware River Basin : an environmental assessment of three centuries of change / 1975
The Delaware River drainage basin : report, recommended classifications and assignments of standards of quality and purity for designated waters of New York State. 1960
The effect of channel dredging on water quality in the Delaware Estuary / 1966
The Institute for the Development of Riverine and Estuarine Systems (IDRES) : a proposal for second-year programs (1969-1970). 1969
Water quality control study Tocks Island Reservoir, Delaware River Basin. 1973
Water quality in the Delaware River Basin, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, and Delaware, 1998-2001 / 2004
Water resources of the Delaware River basin, 1964
Water-supply characteristics of streams in the Delaware River basin and in southern New Jersey / 1963

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