Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=United States Climate)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A climate of crisis : America in the age of environmentalism / 2014
A climatology of temperature and precipitation variability in the United States / 1989
A climatology of temperature and precipitation variability in the United States / 1989
Air pollution climatology. 1971
Air Resources Laboratory ... report. 0
America's Climate Choices / 2011
American weather stories / 1976
Atlas of climatic types in the United States, 1900-1939 / 1941
Before the streetlights come on : Black America's urgent call for climate solutions / 2023
Bicentennial guide: climate of ... 1976
Carbon dioxide and climate a second assessment / 1982
Carbon dioxide and climate summaries of research in FY 1987. 1987
Carbon dioxide and climate summaries of research in FY 1988. 1988
Carbon dioxide and climate summaries of research in FY 1989. 1989
Carbon dioxide and climate summaries of research in FY 1990. 1990
Carbon dioxide and climate summaries of research in FY 1991. 1991
Climate and man. 1941
Climate atlas of the United States. 2002
Climate atlas of the United States. Disk 1, Contiguous 48 states. 2000
Climate change and public health. 1997
Climate change and public lands : national parks at risk / 1999
Climate change impacts on the United States : the potential consequences of climate variability and change : foundation / 2001
Climate change impacts on the United States : the potential consequences of climate variability and change : overview : a report of the National Assessment Synthesis Team, US Global Change Research Program. 2000
Climate change indicators in the United States, 2016 / 2016
Climate Change Resource Book. 1996
Climate change, the indoor environment, and health / 2011
Climate science special report : fourth National Climate Assessment / 2017
Climate science special report. fourth National Climate Assessment / Volume I : Executive summary. 2017
Climates of the States : a practical reference containing basic climatological data of the United States / 1974
Climates of the States : National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration narrative summaries, tables, and maps for each state, with current tables of normals, 1941-1970, means and extremes to 1975 : overview of state climatologist programs / 1978
Climates of the States : National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration narrative summaries, tables, and maps for each State, with overview of state climatologist programs / 1980
Climates of the states, in two volumes, 1974
Climates of the United States 1973
Climatic atlas of the United States. 1966
Climatic atlas of the United States. 1983
Climatic atlas of the United States. 1968
Climatology of stagnating anticyclones east of the Rocky Mountains, 1936-1965. 1967
Comparative climatic data for the United States through ... / 1978
Cool facts about global warming / 1997
El Nino, 1997-1998 : the climate event of the century / 2000
Energy and climate 1977
Fourth National Climate Assessment. impacts, risks, and adaptation in the United States / Volume II : Summary findings and overview. 2017
Global climate change impacts in the United States : a state of knowledge report / 2009
Haze climate of the United States / 1987
Hot, flat, and crowded : why we need a green revolution-- and how it can renew America / 2008
Improving the effectiveness of U.S. climate modeling / 2001
Legal pathways to deep decarbonization in the United States / 2019
Limiting the magnitude of future climate change / 2010
Limiting the magnitude of future climate change / 2010
Long emergency : surviving the end of oil, climate change , and other converging catastrophes of the twenty-first century / 2006
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