Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=United States West)

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Select Item Title Year Published
50 ways to make your world a better place / 1990
A balanced energy plan for the interior West / 2004
A century of water for the West / 2002
A compendium of lake and reservoir data collected by the National Eutrophication Survey in the western United States / 1978
A computer data base from EPA's complex terrain field studies : description of a SAS computer data base from tracer field studies at Cinder Cone Butte, ID, Hogback Ridge, NM, and the Tracy Power Plant, NV / 1988
A field guide to western birds : a completely new guide to field marks of all species found in North America west of the 100th meridian and north of Mexico / 1990
A lady's life in the Rocky Mountains / 1960
A numerical analysis of grassland faunal resemblances / 1970
A regional assessment of the economic and environmental benefits of an irrigation scheduling service / 1980
A system for mapping riparian areas in the western United States / 1998
A Western regional energy development study : final report / 1976
Air pollution episode, July 1972 / 1976
Ambient water quality criteria recommendations : information supporting the development of state and tribal nutrient criteria ... : rivers and streams in nutrient ecoregion I : Willamette and Central Valleys including all or parts of the states of Washington, Oregon and California and the authorized Tribes within the region. 2001
Ambient water quality criteria recommendations : information supporting the development of state and tribal nutrient criteria for lakes and reservoirs in nutrient ecoregion III : xeric west including all or parts of the states of : Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas, and the authorized Tribes within the ecoregion. 2001
An analysis of non-point source pollution in the Rocky Mountain-Prairie region : preliminary draft, pt. 1 / 1974
An Ecological assessment of USEPA Region 8 streams and rivers. 2009
An environmental guide to western surface mining / 1977
Aquatic ecosystems symposium / 1997
Arguing about consensus : examining the case against western watershed initiatives and other collaborative groups active in natural resources management / 2000
Atlas of the new West : portrait of a changing region / 1997
Atlas of Western surface-mined lands : coal, uranium, and phosphate / 1978
BASINS : Region 8. 1996
Battle against extinction : native fish management in the American West / 1991
Beyond beef : the rise and fall of the cattle culture / 1992
Bury my heart at Wounded Knee : an Indian history of the American West / 2007
Cecil Andrus : politics western style / 1998
Characterization of PM 10 and TSP air quality around western surface coal mines / 1982
Cleaning up abandoned hardrock mines in the West : prospecting for a better future / 2005
Clearing the haze from western skies : protecting human health, ecosystems, and scenic vistas / 2005
Climate change, wildlife, and wildlands : a toolkit for teachers and interpreters / 2002
Colorado River Salinity Control Program : Federal Accomplishments Report for Fiscal Year 1993 / 1993
Computer processing of multispectral scanner data over coal strip mines / 1979
Condition of estuaries of the western United States for 1999 : a statistical summary / 2005
Development of a plan for a surface coal mine study. 1991
Downriver : into the future of water in the West / 2019
Downwind : a people's history of the nuclear West / 2014
Effects of air pollution on western forests / 1989
Emission Laboratory Correlation Study Between EPA and Audi-NSU Auto Union. 1974
Energy from the West : a progress report of a technology assessment of Western energy resource development / 1977
Energy from the West : energy resource development systems report / 1979
Environmental characteristics and water quality of hydrologic benchmark network stations in the western United States, 1963-95 / 2000
Environmental effects of Western coal combustion. 1978
Environmental effects of western coal surface mining. 1980
Environmental protection for a changing West : progress and priorities, 1999 / 1999
Environmental who's who for northern great plains energy development : a guide to individuals, organizations, and programs focused on environmental impacts of energy development in Montana, North Dakota, Wyoming / 1974
EPA progress report ... Pacific Southwest Region. 2002
EPA Region 8 progress and priorities 2005 Collaborating to protect human health and the environment. 2005
EPA Region VIII mixing zones and dilution policy. 1995
EPA's 2008 report on the environment : indicators presenting data for EPA Region 10 / 2008
EPA's final conditional no-migration determination for DOE's waste isolation pilot plant. 1990
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