Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=United States Statistics)

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Select Item Title Year Published
2017 NEI plan : final addendum 2019
228 water-borne disease outbreaks known to have occured in the 15 year period - 1946-1960 (Listed by State) / 1960
50 years of population change along the nation's coasts 1960-2010 / 1990
A baseline assessment of coal industry structure in the Ohio River Basin Energy Study region : appendix, County coal profiles / 1979
A change of PACE : comparing the 1994 and 1999 pollution abatement costs and expenditures surveys / 2004
A compendium of lake and reservoir data collected by the National Eutrophication Survey in the central United States. 1978
A presentation to the Washington Operation Research Council's third cost-effectiveness symposium, March 18-19, 1974, National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Maryland: Analysis of control strategies to attain the national ambient air quality standard for nitrogen dioxide, / 1974
A profile of Healthy Start : findings from phase I of the evaluation 2006 / 2008
A statistical abstract of the unsewered U.S. population / 1986
A survey of pulp and paper industry environmental protection expenditures, 1997 / 1998
AAMA motor vehicle facts & figures. 1993
Accident facts 1981
Accident facts 1980
Acid rain and related programs : 2008 emission, compliance, and market data. 2009
Acid Rain Program emissions scorecard 1994 : SO2, NOx, heat input, and CO2 emission trends in the electric utility industry. 1995
Acid Rain Program emissions scorecard 1995 : SO2, NOx, heat input, and CO2 emission trends in the electric utility industry. 1997
Acid Rain Program emissions scorecard 1997 : SO2, NOx, heat input, and CO2 emission trends in the electric utility industry. 1999
Addendum to the 2018 EPA automotive trends report : greenhouse gas emissions, fuel economy, and technology since 1975 / 2019
Adult use of tobacco, 1970. 1973
Agricultural chemical usage : 2007 field crops summary / 2008
Agricultural chemical usage Field crops summary / 1990
Agricultural production in the United States by county : a compilation of information from the 1974 Census of Agriculture for use in terrestrial food-chain transport and assessment models / 1982
Agricultural resources and environmental indicators / 1994
Agricultural resources and environmental indicators, 1996-97 / 1997
Agricultural statistics / 1936
AHA hospital statistics / 2006
Air pollution and human health 1977
Air pollution solutions 1992
Air pollution; a national sample. 1966
Air quality data - 1974 annual statistics. 1976
Air quality data - 1979 annual statistics, including summaries with reference to standards. 1980
Air quality data - 1981 annual statistics : including summaries and references to standards / 1982
Air quality data ... annual statistics / 0
Air quality data : 1973 first quarter statistics / 1974
Air quality data : 1973 fourth quarter statistics / 1974
Air quality data : 1975 annual statistics including summaries with reference to standards / 1977
Air quality data : 1976 first quarter statistics / 1977
Air quality data : 1976 fourth quarter statistics / 1978
Air quality data : 1976 second quarter statistics / 1977
Air quality data : 1977 second quarter statistics / 1978
Air quality data : quarterly statistics. 0
Air quality data for 1967 from the National Air Surveillance Networks. 1971
Air quality data for 1968 from the National Air Surveillance Networks and contributing state and local networks. 1972
Airport activity statistics of certified air carriers : summary tables : twelve months ending December 31, 1999 / 2001
Airport lead monitoring / 2015
Airport lead monitoring. 2013
AIRS user's guide. Volume AQ4, Air quality data retrieval. 1994
Almanac of the 50 states : basic data profiles with comparative tables / 1998
Almanac of the 50 states : comparative data profiles & guide to government data. 2010
Almanac of the 50 states basic data profiles with comparative tables / 1994
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