Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=United States Statistics)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Older Americans key indicators of well-being. {electronic resource} : 2000
Older Americans update 2006 : key indicators of well-being. 2006
Our nation's highways : selected facts and figures. 1993
Overcoming obstacles to health : report from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to the Commission to Build a Healthier America / 2008
Passenger travel facts and figures 2016 / 2016
Pesticide review. 1966
Pesticide usage survey of agricultural, governmental, and industrial sectors in the United States, 1974 / 1977
Pesticides : water quality standards criteria summaries : a compilation of state/federal criteria / 1988
Petroleum industry environmental performance : ... annual report. 1992
Petroleum products survey. 1957
Petroleum supply monthly. 1982
Pilot study of the association between cancer mortality and industrial concentration in 200 U.S. counties / 1976
Pilot study--uses of medicare morbidity data in health effects research / 1980
Plankton population dynamics; from a study conducted July 1, 1959-June 30, 1961. 1962
Plunkett's renewable, alternative & hydrogen energy industry almanac 2009 : the only comprehensive guide to the alternative energy industry / 2008
Pocket guide to transportation / 2000
Pocket guide to transportation 2009 / 2009
Population and economic activity in the United States and standard metropolitan statistical areas, historical and projected, 1950-2020 / 1972
Population and Land Area of Urbanized Areas for the United States and Puerto and Rico: 1980 Supplementary report 1980
Population and land area of urbanized areas for the United States, 1970 and 1960 1979
Population expsoure to external natural radiation background in the United States / 1981
Population of urbanized areas established since the 1970 census, for the United States, 1970. 1976
Power production, consumption, and capacity, annual 0
Power technologies energy data book 2006
Power technologies energy data book / 2005
Precipitation chemistry trends in the United States : 1980-1993 : summary report / 1995
Preliminary data analysis; 1968 national survey of community solid waste practices 1968
Preliminary data analysis; 1968 national survey of community solid waste practices / 1968
Preliminary report : coal production, mines, employment and ownership, by state and county, in the ORBES region, 1976 : baseline study of coal industry in the ORBES region / 1978
Prescription drug use among adults aged 40-79 in the United States and Canada / 2019
Prevention for a healthier America : investments in disease prevention yield significant savings, stronger communities / 2008
Professional women and minorities : a manpower resource service 1975
Profile 2003 : softwood sawmills in the United States and Canada / 2003
Profile of the 2011 National Air Emissions Inventory : U.S. EPA 2011 NEI version 1.0 2014
Profiles of ecologists results of a survey of the membership of the Ecological Society of America / 1992
Proposed standard for radon-222 emissions from licensed uranium mill tailings : draft economic analysis / 1986
Proquest statistical abstract of the United States 2018 : the national data book. 2017
ProQuest statistical abstract of the United States : 2016 / 2015
ProQuest statistical abstract of the United States. 2012
Public report for options to make the toxic release inventory (TRI) data base accessible to the public 1988
Public transportation fact book. 2000
Quality of life in American neighborhoods : levels of affluence, toxic waste, and cancer mortality in residential Zip code areas / 1986
Quality of life indicators in U.S. metropolitan areas, 1970 : a comprehensive assessment / 1975
Quality of rivers of the United States, 1975 water year : based on the National Stream Quality Accounting Network (NASQAN) / 1977
Quality of surface waters of the United States, 1960; parts 7 and 8, lower Mississippi river basin and western gulf of Mexico basins. 1968
Quick facts : copyright and trademark offenses. 2021
Radiological quality of the environment in the United States, 1977. 1977
Railroad facts 2018
Railroad facts 2022
Railroad facts. 2012
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