Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 4805
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=United States Environmental Protection Agency)

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Select Item Title Year Published
"Environmental Indicators Initiative" and "Draft Report on the Environment." 2003
"EPA-- preserving our future today" : strategic direction for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1992
"EPA--preserving our future today" : strategic direction for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1991
"Externalization" of EPA's water laboratory performance evaluation programs : options paper : draft. 1996
"who's who" in the Chesapeake Bay Program 1999
"who's who" in the Chesapeake Bay Program 1997
'Grandfathered' air pollution sources and pollution control : New Source Review under the Clean Air Act / 2005
(PIG-82-5) Status of permits issued before a state receives RCRA phase II authorization. 1982
... OWM annual accomplishments report / 2009
1100 -- Organization and functions manual. 1990
1100 -- Organization and functions manual. 1985
1315-Directives manual. 1987
1320 Correspondence manual. 1993
15th anniversary, 1970-1985, U.S. EPA Region 5. 1985
1901, Environmental Protection Agency acquisition regulation manual (EPAAR). 1990
1978 indexes to EPA/NIH mass spectral data base / 1978
1978 report to EPA administrator and congress. 1980
1990 in review : celebrating EPA's twentieth anniversary. 1990
1990 strategy paper : the role of EPA in construction grants. 1980
1992 Environmental education report / 1992
1993 New Source Review (NSR) simplification workshop : Sheraton Inn University Center, Durham, North Carolina, March 17-18, 1993 : transcript of proceedings / 1993
1993 transition. 1993
1994 annual review of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency / 1994
1994 research accomplishments. 1995
1995 announcement for graduate student fellowships / 1994
1997 honor awards ceremony. 1997
2000 National SBO/SBAP Conference : summary report : Missoula, Montana, June 19-22, 2000 / 2000
2001 EPA nationwide facilities guide / 2001
2001 Honor Awards 2001
2003-2008 EPA strategic plan : direction for the future / 2003
2003-2008 EPA strategic plan : direction for the future. 2003
2004 ORD Managers' Leadership Summit : August 16-20, 2004, Philadelphia Marriott Downtown / 2004
2004 ORD managers' leadership summit : catalytic management : igniting leadership at all levels. 2004
2006 Architecture Standard and Guidance. 2006
2006-2011 EPA strategic plan : charting our course / 2006
2007-2011 Region 10 strategy 2007
2011 hazardous waste report : instructions and forms : EPA form 8700-13 A/B (OMB #2050-0024 ; expires 12/31/2014) / 2011
2100 : information resources management policy manual. 1996
2100 : information resources management policy manual. 1992
40 CFR parts 136 and 141 streamlining proposal / 1996
40 years : EPA 40th anniversary : 10 ways EPA has strengthened America / 2010
A "who's who" in the Chesapeake Bay Program / 2003
A "who's who" in the Chesapeake Bay Program / 2001
A "who's who" in the Chesapeake Bay Program / 2001
A "who's who" in the Chesapeake Bay Program / 1994
A "who's who" in the Chesapeake Bay Program / 2002
A bibliography of Region V numbered reports : a complete listing with title index / 1980
A brief guide for EPA executives. 1993
A Career that makes a difference / 2005
A catalog of hazardous and solid waste publications. 1990
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