Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 201 - 250
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Underground storage)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Groundwater remediation for UST sites : in situ bioremediation. 1993
Groundwater remediation for UST sites : in situ bioventing combined with low flow air sparging (biosparging). 1993
Groundwater remediation for UST sites : pump and treat. 1993
Groundwater remediation for UST sites : vacuum enhanced pump and treat. 1993
Guidance document on evaluation of injection well manifold monitoring systems. 1985
Guidance for remediation of petroleum contaminated soils 1994
Guidance for remediation of petroleum contaminated soils 1995
Guidance for risk-based assessments at LPST sites in Texas : emphasizing initial investigations and Plan A evaluation / 1995
Guidance manual : reimbursement from the petroleum storage tank remediation fund / 1995
Guidance Manual for LUST (Leaking Underground Storage Tank) Cleanups in Illinois, September 1989. 1989
Guidance manual for petroleum-related LUST cleanups in Illinois 1990
Guidance manual for risk assessment contaminant fate and transport modeling 1994
Guide to EPA materials on underground storage tanks 1993
Guide to EPA materials on underground storage tanks / 1993
Guide to EPA materials on underground storage tanks supplement July 1992 through August 1993. 1994
Guide to EPA materials on underground storage tanks. 1994
Guide to the assessment and remediation of underground petroleum releases 1989
Guide to underground storage tanks evaluation, site assessment, and remediation / 1992
Guidelines for UST trust fund cooperative agreements. 1987
Handbook of underground storage tank safety and correction technology / 1988
Hazardous materials : upgrading of underground storage tanks can be improved to avoid costly cleanups : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Environment, Energy and Natural Resources, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives / 1992
Hazardous Waste Landfill Research. 1983
Hazardous Waste Tanks : Statistical Summary Based on the 1981 National Survey. 1985
Hazardous waste tanks risk analysis : draft report / 1986
Health and Safety Training for Underground Storage Tank Inspectors. Instructor's Guide. 1992
Here lies the problem : leaking underground storage systems. 1990
Here Lies the Problem: Leaking Underground Storage Systems. 1990
Household Exposures to Benzene from Showering with Gasoline-Contaminated Ground Water. 1992
How to develop your own UST field citation program. 1991
How to effectively recover free product at leaking underground storage tank sites : a guide for state regulators. 1996
How to evaluate alternative cleanup technologies for underground storage tank sites : a guide for corrective action plan reviewers / 1995
How to evaluate alternative cleanup technologies for underground storage tank sites : a guide for corrective action plan reviewers. 1994
How to evaluate alternative cleanup technologies for underground storage tank sites : a guide for corrective action plan reviewers. 2004
Hydro Brake Regulated Storage System for Stormwater Management. 1983
Impacts of removing the TCLP deferral for petroleum-contaminated media at underground storage tank sites 1992
Implementation plan for Title 40 Code of Federal regulations Parts 280 and 281; final rules for underground storage tanks 1989
Implementing the trust fund assuring timely use of cleanup funds for leaking underground petroleum storage tanks / 1987
In situ biodegradation treatment. 1994
In situ bioremediation of spills from underground storage tanks : new approaches for site characterization, project design, and evaluation of performance / 1989
In Situ Technologies for Remediation of Organic Chemicals-Contaminated Sites: A Critical Review. 1994
In situ treatment of contaminated soil and rock 1989
In-situ bioremediation of contaminated ground water 1992
Index to the monthly hotline report questions : June 1982 to December 1994. 1995
Index to the monthly hotline reports questions : June 1982 to December 1991. 1992
Indian Lands Air Source Inventory. 1997
Initiatives to promote innovative technology in waste management programs. 1996
Innovative means of dealing with potential sources of ground water contamination : proceedings of the seventh National Ground Water Quality Symposium Held at Las Vegas, Nevada on September 26-28, 1984. 1985
Inside the hotline : a compilation of 1991 monthly hotline reports. 1992
Inside the hotline : a compilation of 1993 monthly hotline reports. 1994
Inside the hotline : a compilation of 1994 monthly hotline reports. 1995
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