Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 15
Showing: Items 1 - 15
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Underground reservoirs)

Select Item Title Year Published
Artificial ground-water recharge in the Prospect Valley area, Colorado / 1963
Improving clearwell design for CT compliance 1998
Proceedings from Deep tunnels in hard rock : a solution to combined sewer overflow and flooding problems / 1970
Survey of state class II UIC programs : federal and state UIC regulations / 1988
Survey of state class II UIC programs : task 1 - operating, monitoring, and reporting. 1988
Survey of state class II UIC programs : task 2 - plugging and abandonment - appendix A, Regions 2-5 / 1988
Survey of state class II UIC programs : task 2 - plugging and abandonment -appendix B, Regions 6-10 / 1988
Survey of state class II UIC programs : task 3 - area of review and corrective action -appendix / 1988
Survey of state class II UIC programs : task 4 - mechanical integrity testing - appendix A, Regions 2-5 / 1989
Survey of state class II UIC programs : task 4 - mechanical integrity testing - appendix A, Regions 6 -10 / 1989
Survey of state class II UIC programs : task 4 - mechanical integrity testing - [final version] / 1989
Survey of state class II UIC programs : task 5 - construction requirements / 1989
Underground storage of imported water in the San Gorgonio Pass area, southern California / 1971
Underwater storage of combined sewer overflows / 1971
Use of ground-water reservoirs for storage of surface water in the San Joaquin Valley, California / 1964

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