Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1979 Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution and its 1998 protocols on persistent organic pollutants and heavy metals / 1999
Acting as if tomorrow matters : accelerating the transition to sustainability / 2012
Agenda for a sustainable America / 2009
Air pollution control law : compliance and enforcement / 2001
Before Earth Day : the origins of American environmental law, 1945-1970 / 2009
Calculating risks? : the spatial and political dimensions of hazardous waste policy / 1999
Climate change and the law / 2013
Closing the circle : environmental justice in Indian country / 2008
Developing an appropriate contaminated land regime in China : lessons learned from the US and UK / 2013
Efficiency in environmental regulation : a benefit-cost analysis of alternative approaches / 1990
Environmental change and international law : new challenges and dimensions / 1992
Environmental health services : a survey of administrative and legal provisions / 1983
Environmental justice : law, policy & regulation / 2009
Environmental law / 1994
Environmental law and the siting of facilities : issues in land use and coastal zone management / 1976
Environmental law in a nutshell / 2010
Environmental law in a nutshell / 2014
Environmental law in a nutshell / 2000
Environmental law, policy, and economics : reclaiming the environmental agenda / 2008
From the ground up : environmental racism and the rise of the environmental justice movement / 2001
Global environmental diplomacy : negotiating environmental agreements for the World, 1973-1992 / 1998
Handbook on environmental law / 1977
Hazards, vulnerability and environmental justice / 2006
International environmental law and naval war : the effect of marine safety and pollution conventions during international armed conflict / 2000
Land use & environment law review. 1978
Laws of fear : beyond the precautionary principle / 2005
Love Canal revisited : race, class, and gender in environmental activism / 2008
Oil pollution control / 1987
Oil pollution deskbook / 2012
Ozone diplomacy : new directions in safeguarding the planet / 1991
Power, justice, and the environment : a critical appraisal of the environmental justice movement / 2005
Practical environmental forensics : process and case histories / 2001
Preserving the global environment : the challenge of shared leadership / 1991
Protecting the Gulf of Aqaba : a regional environmental challenge / 1993
Public policies for environmental protection / 2000
Regulating toxic substances : a philosophy of science and the law / 1993
Rights to nature : ecological, economic, cultural, and political principles of institutions for the environment / 1996
Sustainable communities and the challenge of environmental justice / 2005
The economic dynamics of environmental law / 2003
The environmental justice reader : politics, poetics, & pedagogy / 2002
The environmental regulatory dictionary / 2005
The International politics of the environment : actors, interests, and institutions / 1992
The law and economics of the environment / 2001
The making of environmental law / 2004
The Oxford handbook of international environmental law / 2007
The promise and peril of environmental justice / 1998
The sustainability handbook : the complete management guide to achieving social, economic, and environmental responsibility / 2007
Transforming environmentalism : Warren county, PCBs, and the origins of environmental justice / 2007
TSCA deskbook / 2012
Unlikely environmentalists : Congress and clean water, 1945-1972 / 2006
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