Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Umweltbewusstsein)

Select Item Title Year Published
Ecologies of the heart : emotion, belief, and the environment / 1996
EcoMind : changing the way we think, to create the world we want / 2011
Environmental values in American culture / 1995
Environmentally conscious transportation / 2008
Exporting environmentalism : U.S. multinational chemical corporations in Brazil and Mexico / 2000
Green recovery : get lean, get smart, and emerge from the downturn on top / 2009
Green to gold : how smart companies use environmental strategy to innovate, create value, and build competitive advantage / 2006
One earth, one future : our changing global environment / 1990
Practical ecocriticism : literature, biology, and the environment / 2003
The green economy and the water-energy-food nexus / 2018
The landscape of reform : civic pragmatism and environmental thought in America / 2006
The making of green knowledge : environmental politics and cultural transformation / 2001
The upcycle / 2013
Thinking like a mall : environmental philosophy after the end of nature / 2015
World guide to environmental issues and organizations / 1990
Worldchanging : a user's guide for the 21st century / 2006

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