Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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A comparison of measurement techniques to determine electric fields and magnetic flux under EHV overhead power transmission lines / 1978
A compilation of technical reports on the biological effects and the public health aspects of atmospheric pollutants. 1971
A survey of foreign noise effects research / 1978
Adaptability of Metabolism in North Caspian Mussels (Genus Dreissena) to Variation in Salinity Regime (Prisposoblennost Obmena Dreissen Severnogo Kaspiya k Izmeneniyu Solevogo Rezhima). 1947
AICE survey of USSR air pollution literature : volume XVII : a fourth compilation of technical reports on te biological effects and the public health aspects of atmospheric pollutants / 1972
Aice Survey of USSR Air Pollution Literature. Volume I. Atmospheric and Meteorological Aspects of Air Pollution. 1969
Aice Survey of USSR Air Pollution Literature. Volume II. Effects and Symptoms of Air Pollutes on Vegetation, Resistance and Susceptibility of Different Plant Species in Various Habitats, in Relation to Plant Utilization for Shelter Belts and as Biological Indicators. 1969
Aice Survey of USSR Air Pollution Literature. Volume III. The Susceptibility or Resistance to Gas and Smoke of Various Arboreal Species Grown Under Diverse Environmental Conditions in a Number of Industrial Regions of the Soviet Union. 1969
Aice Survey of USSR Air Pollution Literature. Volume IV. Meteorological and Chemical Aspects of Air Pollution, Propagation and Dispersal of Air Pollutants in a Number of Areas in the Soviet Union. 1969
AICE Survey of USSR Air Pollution Literature. Volume IX. Gas Resistance of Plants with Special Reference to Plant Biochemistry and to the Effects of Mineral Nutrition. 1971
Aice Survey of USSR Air Pollution Literature. Volume V. Effects of Meteorological Conditions and Relief on Air Pollution; Air Contaminants - Their Concentration, Transport, and Dispersal. 1970
Aice Survey of USSR Air Pollution Literature. Volume Vi. Air Pollution in Relation to Certain Atmospheric and Meteorological Conditions and Some of the Methods Employed in the Survey and Analysis of Air Pollutants. 1971
AICE Survey of USSR Air Pollution Literature. Volume VII. Measurements of Dispersal and Concentration, Identification, and Sanitary Evaluation of Various Air Pollutants, with Special Reference to the Environs of Electric Power Plants and Ferrous Metallurgical Plants. 1971
AICE Survey of USSR Air Pollution Literature. Volume VIII. A Compilation of Technical Reports on the Biological Effects and the Public Health Aspects of Atmospheric Pollutants. 1971
AICE Survey of USSR Air Pollution Literature. Volume XI. A Second Compilation of Technical Reports on the Biological Effects and the Public Health Aspects of Atmospheric Pollutants. 1972
AICE Survey of USSR Air Pollution Literature. Volume XII. Technical Papers from the Leningrad International Symposium on the Meteorological Aspects of Atmospheric Pollution. Part 1. 1972
AICE Survey of USSR Air Pollution Literature. Volume XIII. Technical Papers from the Leningrad International Symposium on the Meteorological Aspects of Atmospheric Pollution. Part II. 1972
AICE Survey of USSR Air Pollution Literature. Volume XIV. Technical Papers from the Leningrad International Symposium on the Meteorological Aspects of Atmospheric Pollution. Part III. 1972
AICE Survey of USSR Air Pollution Literature. Volume XV. A Third Compilation of Technical Reports on the Biological Effects and the Public Health Aspects of Atmospheric Pollutants. 1972
AICE Survey of USSR Air Pollution Literature. Volume XVI. Some Basic Properties of Ash and Industrial Dust in Relation to the Problem of Purification of Stack Gases. 1972
AICE Survey of USSR Air Pollution Literature. Volume XVIII. Purification of Gases through High Temperature Removal of Sulfur Compounds. 1972
AICE Survey of USSR Air Pollution Literature. Volume XX. Catalytic Purification of Exhaust Gases (Kataliticheskaya Ochiska Vyhlopnykah Gazov). 1973
AICE Survey of USSR Air Pollution Literature. Volume XXI. Atmospheric Pollutants in Relation to Meteorological Conditions: A Procedure for Calculating the Atmospheric Dispersal of Pollutants and the Feasibility of Their Study by Means of Satellites. 1973
Air Conservation. Volume 10, Number 3(53), 1976. 1977
American Institute of Crop Ecology (AICE) Survey of USSR Air Pollution Literature. Volume XIX. Environmental Pollution with Special Reference to Air Pollutants and to Some of Their Biological Effects. 1973
American-Soviet Symposium on the Biological Effects of Pollution on Marine Organisms (1st). 1978
American-Soviet Symposium on Use of Mathematical Models to Optimize Water Quality Management, Kharkov and Rostov-on-Don, USSR, December 9-16, 1975. 1978
Aquatic oligochaeta of the USSR / 1981
Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Generator Shale Resin (Aromaticheskie Uglevodorody v Generatornoi Slantsevoi Smole). 1971
Atmospheric Diffusion and Air Pollution: Abstracts. 1971
Biohazard : the chilling true story of the largest covert biological weapons program in the world, told from the inside by the man who ran it / 1999
Biological Effluent Purification at Chervonoznamen Sugar Plant (Biologicheskaya Ochistka Stocknykh vod na Chervonoznamenskom Sakharnom Zavode). 1972
Bulk Content of Uranium, Radium, and Thorium in Certain Parent Rocks. 1972
Bulk Content of Uranium, Radium, and Thorium in Certain Soil-Forming Rocks. 1972
Carbon Sources and Sinks in Forest Biomes of the Former Soviet Union. 1993
Carcinogenic Properties of Oil Shale Products and the Possibilities of Prophylaxis of Cancer. 1972
Certain Trace Elements in Experimental Myocardial Infarction Against a Background of Hypertension and Atherosclerosis (Nekotore Mikroelementy pri Eksperimentalnom Infarkte Miokarda pri Nalichii Gipertonii i Ateroskleroza). 1974
Change in the DNA Content of the Nuclei of Tumor Cells in the Process of 'Progression' of the Induced Hepatoma (Izmenenie Soderzhaniya DNK v Yadrakh Opukholevykh Kletok v Protesse 'Progressii' Indutsirovannoi Hepatomy). 1973
Changes in the Metabolic Processes of Leukocytes During the Action of SHF and of Infrared Radiation of Low Intensity (Izmenenie Metabolicheskikh Protesessov v Leikotsitakh pri Vozdeistvii na Cheloveka SVCh i Infrakrasnogo Izlucheniya Slaboi Intensivnosti). 1967
Changes of Purine Metabolism in Man and Animals Under Conditions of Molybdenum Biogeochemical Provinces (Izmeneniya Purinovogo Obmena u Cheloveka i Zhivotnykh v Usloviyakh Molibdenovykh Biogeokhimicheskikh Provintsii). 1961
Chemical Composition and Effectiveness of Oil Shale Ash and Cement Kiln Flue Dust as Liming Fertilizers (Khimicheskii Sostav i Effektivnost Slantsevoi Zoly i Klinkernoi Pyli kak Izvestkovykh Udobrenii). 1970
Circulation of Carcinogens in the Environment. 1979
Climate Warming and the Carbon Cycle in the Permafrost Zone of the Former Soviet Union. 1993
Clinical Manifestation of Zinc Phosphide Poisoning of Animals (Klinicheskoe Proyavlenie Otravleniya Zhivotnykh Fosfidom Tsinka). 1967
Combined Conversion of Potatoes to Alcohol and Starch (Kombinirovannaya Pererabotka Kartofelya na Spirt i Krakhmal). 1960
Combined Conversion of Potatoes to Starch and Alcohol (Kompleksnaya Pererabotka Kartofelya na Krakhmal i Spirt). 1961
Combined Conversion of Potatoes to Starch and Ethyl Alcohol (Kompleksnaya Pererabotka Kartofelya na Krakhmal i Etilovyi Spirt). 1959
Combined Production of Starch and Alcohol in Alcohol Plants (Kombinirovanie Proizvodstva Krakhmala i Spirta na Spirtovykh Zavodakh). 1958
Combined Production of Starch and Alcohol in Alcohol Plants (Kombinirovanie Proizvodstva Krakhmala i Spirta na Spirtovykh Zavodakh). 1958
Comparative Effectiveness of Some Aminoalkylphosphonic Acids in Excretion of Berillium from Rats (Sravnitelnaya Effektivnost Nekotorykh Aminoalkilfosfonovykh Kislot v Vyvedenii Berilliya iz Organizma Krys). 1972
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