Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 25
Showing: Items 1 - 25
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Trees Growth)

Select Item Title Year Published
Acid precipitation and forest growth in the eastern United States / 1975
Adapting woody species and planting techniques to landfill conditions : field and laboratory investigations / 1979
Biological test method. Test for growth in contaminated soil using terrestrial plants native to the boreal region / 2013
Critical factors controlling vegetation growth on completed sanitary landfills / 1981
Cutting at financial maturity : maximizing the economic return of your woodland / 2013
Dendroclimatic estimates of a drought index for northern Virginia / 1981
Effects of Air Pollution on Forests: A Critical Review. 1985
Effects of CO2 and climate change on forest trees : research plan. 1993
Effects of Industrial Exhalations on the Soil Biology of Spruce Growths in the Krusna Hora Mountains (Vliv Prunyslobych Exhalatu na Pudni Zivenu Smrkovych Porostu Krusnvch Hor). 1965
Evaluation of mechanical and chemical methods for control of Melaleuca quinquenervia in Southern Florida 1995
Forest composition and productivity / 1980
Forest dynamics : an ecological model / 1993
Forest health monitoring : 1991 statistical summary / 1994
Forest health monitoring : 1992 activities plan. 1993
Forest health monitoring : 1992 annual statistical summary / 1994
Forest health monitoring : southeast loblolly/shortleaf pine demonstration interim report / 1994
Formulations of the plant-growth-stress model. 1989
International (non-U.S.) industrial pollution prevention : a case study compendium. 1994
Quality Assurance Aspects of the Joint USA - Canada North American Sugar Maple Decline Project. 1990
Regional growth trends of three western conifers as related to ozone. {microfiche} 1990
Response of forest trees to sulfur, nitrogen, and associated pollutants / 1990
Review and analysis of JABOWA and related forest models and their use in climate change studies. 1996
Synthesis of Ectomycorrhizae on Northern Red Oak Seedlings in a Michigan Nursery. 1993
Western forests and air pollution / 1992
Yield Response Curves of Crops Exposed to SO2 Time Series. 1983

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