Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 12
Showing: Items 1 - 12

Select Item Title Year Published
Bioremediation of hazardous wastes : research, development, and field evaluations / 1995
Bioremediation of hazardous wastes : research, development, and field evaluations, 1993 / 1993
Bioremediation of hazardous wastes : research, development, and field evaluations, 1994 / 1994
Commentary on residual radioactivity. {Microfiche} / prepared forUS Environmental Protection Agency by the Radiation Advisory Committee. 1995
Effective contracting approaches for operating pump and treat systems / 2005
Emerging Nanotechnologies for Site Remediation and Wastewater Treatment. 2005
Environmental Assessment of the Base Catalyzed Decomposition (BCD) Process. 1998
Groundwater remedies selected at Superfund sites. 2002
Off-gas treatment technologies for soil vapor extraction systems : state of the practice. 2006
Presumptive response strategy and ex-situ treatment technologies for contaminated ground water at CERCLA sites : final guidance. 1996
Symposium on Bioremediation of Hazardous Wastes : research, development, and field evaluations : abstracts : Rye Town Hilton, Rye Brook, NY, August 8-10, 1995. 1995
Treatability studies for wood preserving sites / 1998

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