Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 13
Showing: Items 1 - 13
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Transportation Energy consumption)

Select Item Title Year Published
Energy and global climate change 2010. 2010
Energy and global climate change 2013. 2013
Policy alternatives to reduce transportation energy consumption 1979
Saving oil and reducing CO2 emissions in transport : options & strategies / 2001
Transportation energy conservation data book / 1980
Transportation energy conservation data book / 1977
Transportation energy conservation data book / 1979
Transportation energy data book / 2014
Transportation energy data book / 1982
Transportation planning in the Northwest : framework for sustainability / U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10. 2000
Transportation, energy, and environment : policies to promote sustainability. 1999
Urban transportation and energy : the potential savings of different modes : a study / 1977
Work Plan for Design of Sustainable Biofuel Supply Chains. 2009

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