Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 9
Showing: Items 1 - 9
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Transportation United States Planning Congresses)

Select Item Title Year Published
Conference on Poverty and Transportation, June 7, 1968 : edited transcript. 1968
Environmental Futures and Transportation Roundtable : meeting summary, April 14, 1998, Washington, DC. 1998
ISTEA reauthorization : will it refine, redefine, or forge new policy linkages? : summary of proceedings / 1996
Smart growth and transportation : issues and lessons learned : report of a conference, September 8-10, 2002, Baltimore, Maryland / 2005
Transportation and energy : strategies for a sustainable transportation system / 1995
Transportation planning and air quality : proceedings of the national conference / 1992
Transportation systems for America's future : a management overview. 1976
Transportation, energy, and environment : how far can technology take us? / 1997
Transportation, energy, and environment : policies to promote sustainability. 1999

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