Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1991 toxics release inventory : public data release. 1993
1993 toxics release inventory : public data release : executive summary. 1995
1993 toxics release inventory : public data release. 1995
1996 toxics release inventory : public data release - 10 years of right-to-know : industry sector analyses / 1998
1998 Annual report NATO/CCMS pilot study : Clean products and processes (phase I) / 1998
2000 Annual report NATO/CCMS pilot study : clean products and processes (phase I) / 2001
3 T's--training, testing, and telling : join EPA's efforts to help minimize lead levels in school and child care facility drinking water--a guide for community partners. 2006
3DHYDROGEOCHEM : a 3-dimensional model of density-dependent subsurface flow and thermal multispecies-multicomponent HYDROGEOCHEMical transport / 1999
40 CFR Part 35 Subpart O, Cooperative Agreements and Superfund State Contracts for Superfund Response Actions. 1989
A Demonstration of beneficial uses of warm water from condensers of electric generating plants / 1980
A guide to customer incentives for water conservation / 1994
A method for predicting the performance of natural draft cooling towers / 1970
A new longwave radiative transfer model : calibration and application to the tropical atmosphere / 1972
A Process for regional assessment of wetland risk : Summary Report / 1992
A regulatory strategy for siting and operating waste transfer stations : a response to a recurring environmental justice circumstance : the siting of waste transfer stations in low-income communities and communities of color / 2000
A study of combustor flow computations and comparison with experiment / 1973
A Summary : administrator's point/nonpoint source trading initiative meeting, April 27-28, 1992, Durham, North Carolina / 1992
A technology assessment of soil vapor extraction and air sparging / 1992
A technology assessment of soil vapor extraction and air sparging / 1992
A test method for volatile component stripping of waste water / 1975
Absorption from Aqueous Solution. 1974
Absorption of SO2 by Alkaline Solutions in Venturi Scrubber Systems. 1973
Absorption of sulfur dioxide in spray column and turbulent contacting absorbers / 1975
Access EPA : clearinghouses and hotlines. 1991
Acidic Deposition and Forest Soils: Potential Changes in Nutrient Cycles and Effects on Tree Growth. 1994
Acidification of Rain by the Oxidation of Dissolved SO2 and the Absorption of HNO3. 1984
Acidification of Rain in the Presence of SO2, H2O2, O3, and HNO3. 1982
ADL Migration Estimation Model (for Microcomputers) (Release Number 1). 1990
Advanced Oxidation Processes. Test of a Kinetic Model for the Oxidation of Organic Compounds with Ozone and Hydrogen Peroxide in a Semibatch Reactor. 1989
Advances in transport processes. 1980
Aerosol research branch, annual report : FY 1976/76A / 1977
Aerosols and atmospheric optics : proceedings of the international specialty conference / 1900
Aerosols and atmospheric optics : radiative balance and visual air quality : proceedings of the international specialty conference / 1994
Agricultural technology and regional ecosystem protection : the role of publicly funded research / 1988
Agricultural to urban water transfers an assessment of the issues and options / 1993
Air emissions models for waste and wastewater. 1994
Air Oxidation of Organic Compounds in Aqueous Systems. 1972
Air stripping of aqueous solutions. 1991
Albemarle-Pamlico Estuarine Study Data Management and Analysis System. Functional Description. 1990
Alterations in the Hydrologic Cycle Induced by Urbanization in Northern New Castle County, Delaware: Magnitudes and Projections. 1974
Alternative Technologies for Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Applications. 1995
An accounting system for transfer station operations. 1971
An Analysis of state Superfund programs : 50-state study, 1991 update. 1992
An assessment of the SBIR program / 2008
An Emerging Technology: Counter-Current Aeration: A Promising Process Modification 1983
An investigation of the eddy heat-diffusion coefficient / 1973
An Issue Analysis on Out-of-Basin Water Transfer 1983
Analyses of Organic and Inorganic Mercury by Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry Using a Semiautomatic Analytical System. 1994
Analysis and control of thermal pollution. 1974
Analysis and simulation of recycle SO2-lime slurry in TCA scrubber system / 1977
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