Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 44
Showing: Items 1 - 44
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Trade regulation United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
2000 National SBO/SBAP Conference : summary report : Missoula, Montana, June 19-22, 2000 / 2000
Administrative law and regulatory policy : problems, text, and cases / 1999
Administrative law and regulatory policy problems, text, and cases / 1985
Auto safety and emissions : no assurance that imported gray market vehicles meet federal standards. 1986
Automotive imports facts manual : U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requirements only. 1995
Colloquium on Regulatory Design in Theory and Practice {summaries} / 1983
Costs of federal regulation draft / 1992
Federal regulation, roads to reform final report, 1979, with recommendations / 1979
Final report of the SBREFA Small Business Advocacy Review Panel for control of emissions of air pollution from nonroad diesel engines. 1997
Final report of the SBREFA Small Business Advocacy Review Panel on EPA's planned proposed rule for effluent limitations guidelines and pretreatment standards for the industrial laundries point source category. 1997
Final report of the SBREFA Small Business Advocacy Review Panel on EPA's planned proposed rule for the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System : Storm Water Phase II. 1997
Going by the book : the problem of regulatory unreasonableness / 2002
Importing into the United States : a guide for commercial importers / 2002
Improving regulatory systems : accompanying report of the National Performance Review, Office of the Vice President / 1993
Independent commercial importers / 2015
Independent commercial importers / 2022
Independent commercial importers. 2011
Independent commercial importers. 2013
Independent commercial importers. 2012
Instructions for certifying imported mini trucks / 2009
Intellectual property : U.S. efforts have contributed to strengthened laws overseas, but significant enforcement challenges remain : testimony before the Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs, Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of Columbia, United States Senate / 2005
Interactive corporate compliance an alternative to regulatory compulsion / 1988
Overview of EPA import requirements for vehicles and engines. 2011
Pesticide Import Watch Newsletter. 0
Political economy of regulation : creating, designing, and removing regulatory forms 1980
Politics of regulatory change : a tale of two agencies / 1996
Politics of regulatory change a tale of two agencies / 1989
Reforming Federal regulation 1983
Reforming regulation 1980
Regulated industries and the economy 1979
Regulation and its reform / 1982
Regulation politics, bureaucracy, and economics / 1985
Regulatory problems and regulatory reform the perceptions of business / 1980
Reinventing rationality : the role of regulatory analysis in the federal bureaucracy / 1991
Retaking rationality : how cost-benefit analysis can better protect the environment and our health / 2008
The politics of regulation / 1980
The regulatory craft : controlling risks, solving problems, and managing compliance / 2000
The strategy of social regulation : decision frameworks for policy / 1981
Toward smarter regulation 1994
Toward smarter regulation / 1994
United States foreign trade law 1991
Uruguay Round Agreements Act : joint report of the Committee on Finance, Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, Committee on Governmental Affairs of the United States Senate to accompany S. 2467. 1994
Uruguay Round trade agreements, texts of agreements, implementing bill, statements of administrative action, and required supporting statements : message from the President of the United States transmitting the Uruguay round trade agreements, texts of agreements, implementing bill, statement of administrative action and required supporting statements. 1994
Yale journal on regulation. 1983

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