Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Trace elements Toxicology)

Select Item Title Year Published
Broad scan anlysis of human adipose tissue : volume V: trace elements / 1986
Characterization of the Chesapeake Bay a systematic analysis of toxic trace elements / 1982
Clinical, biochemical, and nutritional aspects of trace elements 1982
Evaluation of the toxic hazard associated with the use of a fluorescent particle atmosphere tracer in an urban area 1980
Increased Pulmonary Disease Mediated through Altered Bacterial Defenses. 1977
Maternal - fetal tissue levels of sixteen trace elements in eight communities / 1978
Measurement and Management Aspects of Water Toxicology: The Malibu Watershed, A Mixed Residential and Wilderness Area. 1972
Poisoning and intoxication by trace elements in children; an abstract review of the worldwide medical literature 1966-1971. 1973
Proceedings Workshop on Toxic Metals in Water. 1971
Seasonal Variations of Arsenic and Other Trace Elements in Bay Mussels 'Mytilus edulis' (Journal Version). 1982
Toxic trace metals in mammalian hair and nails / 1979
Toxicology of metals : clinical and experimental research : proceedings of the VIth UOEH International Symposium and IIIrd COMPTOX, held in Kitakyushu, Japan, 27-31 July 1986 1987
Toxicology of trace elements 1977
Trace and potentially toxic elements associated with uranium deposits in south Texas / 1983
Trace elements in human health and disease / 1976
Trace metals : exposure and health effects : proceedings of the research seminar held at the University of Surrey, Guildford, United Kingdom, 10-13 July, 1978 / 1979

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