Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 21
Showing: Items 1 - 21
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Trace analysis)

Select Item Title Year Published
Flame spectrophotometric trace analysis 1970
Guidance on the documentation and evaluation of trace metals data collected for clean water act compliance monitoring. 1996
Guidance on the documentation and evaluation of trace metals data collected for clean water act compliance monitoring. 1996
Guidance on the documentation and evaluation of trace metals data collected for clean water act compliance monitoring. 1995
Guidelines for achieving quality in trace analysis 1995
Handbook of carcinogens and hazardous substances : chemical and trace analysis / 1982
Immunoassays for trace chemical analysis : monitoring toxic chemicals in humans, food, and the environment / 1991
Instrumentation for trace organic monitoring 1992
Methods for environmental trace analysis 2003
Methods of protein microcharacterization : a practical handbook / 1986
Multielemental analytical techniques for hazardous waste analysis : the state-of-the-art / 1984
Organic trace analysis / 1984
Statistical theory and methodology of trace analysis / 1980
Survey of direct analysis methods for organic compounds in particulate matter / 1984
Trace analysis by mass spectrometry. 1972
Trace Analysis of Thiram by Microcoulometry. 1978
Trace analysis with nanomaterials / 2010
Trace environmental quantitative analysis : principles, techniques, and applications / 2001
Trace environmental quantitative analysis : principles, techniques, and applications / 2006
Tracer distributions in Brush Creek Valley drainage flow derived from 1984 ASCOT data / 1991
Vaporization of trace element species from coal under gasification and combustion conditions : final report. 1989

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