Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 9
Showing: Items 1 - 9
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Toxicology United States Handbooks)

Select Item Title Year Published
Chemical emergency preparedness program : interim guidance : chemical profiles. 1985
Lead in your home : a parent's reference guide. 1999
Lead in your home : a parent's reference guide. 1999
Lead in your home : a parent's reference guide. 1998
Manual for the evaluation of laboratories performing aquatic toxicity tests / 1991
Occupational safety and health guidelines for chemical hazards. 1988
Occupational safety and health guidelines for chemical hazards. 1993
Toxicology handbook, mammalian and aquatic data : toxicological evaluation of pesticides / 1979
TSCA status report for existing chemicals. 0

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