Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Toxicology Bibliography)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A bibliography for lead. 1986
A Bibliography for lead. 1986
A selected bibliography on the biology of Salmo gairdneri Richardson (rainbow, steelhead, kamloops trout), with particular reference to studies with aquatic toxicants / 1981
Acrolein, dalapon, dichlobenil, diquat, and endothal : bibliography of toxicity to aquatic organisms / 1977
Air pollution aspects of emission sources : primary aluminum production : a bibliography with abstracts / 1973
Annotated bibliography on biological effects of metals in aquatic environments (no. 1-567). 1973
Asbestos - a bibliography / 1978
Asbestos and health : an annotated bibliography of public and professional education materials / 1978
Asbestos and silicate pollution (excluding workplace pollution) (Sep 70 - present) citations from the NTIS Bibliographic Database. 1992
Biological aspects of lead: an annotated bibliography; literature from 1950 through 1964 1972
Blei in Pflanze und Tier : bibliographischer Nachweis euber 97 Vereoffentlichungen = Lead in plants and animals : bibliographical references of 97 publications / 1972
Chemical safety and children's health : protecting the world's children from harmful chemical exposures : a global guide to resources / 2005
Chromate pollution of water, detection, effects and prevention : a bibliography / 1971
Compilation of data sources for existing chemicals 1984
Current advances in pharmacology & toxicology. 1984
Current awareness service for toxic substances : cumulative report no. 2, part I 1976
Documentation of the threshold limit values for substances in workroom air. 1971
Documentation of threshold limit values. 1966
Environmental health and toxicology a selected bibliography of printed information sources / 1990
Hazards of extra-low frequency electrical and magnetic fields a selected bibliography / 1990
Health aspects of castor bean dust; review and bibliography 1967
Health effects of beryllium exposure : a literature review / 2007
Heavy metals in drinking water (January 1986-November 1991) 1992
Heavy metals in drinking water standards, sources, and effects (Jan 76 - Sep 88) / 1988
Heavy metals in drinking water standards, sources, and effects (Mar 73 - Present) / 1992
Heavy metals in drinking water standards, sources, and effects / 0
Identification and evaluation of sources for the Toxicology Data Bank : report of a workshop held at the National Library of Medicine, May 1-2 and June 27, 1984 / 1985
Information resources in toxicology 1982
Information resources in toxicology 1988
Information resources in toxicology / 2000
List of publications 1975
Mirex. 1976
Mobile-source air toxics : a critical review of the literature on exposure and health effects / 2007
National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse : bibliography of selected reports and Federal register notices related to air toxics / 1986
National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse : bibliography of selected reports and Federal register notices related to air toxics / 1988
National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse : bibliography of selected reports and Federal Register notices related to air toxics / 1987
National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse : bibliography of selected reports and Federal register notices related to air toxics / 1989
National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse : bibliography of selected reports and Federal register notices related to air toxics : volume 4 : citations - 1990 : final report / 1991
National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse : bibliography of selected reports and Federal register notices related to air toxics, volume 3: citations - 1989 / 1989
National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse : bibliography of selected reports and Federal Register notices related to air toxics. 1991
National Air Toxics Information Clearinghouse : bibliography of selected reports and Federal register notices related to air toxics. 1987
Pesticides environmental transport and transformation, (Mar. 83 - May 85) : citations from the Selected Water Resources Abstracts Database / 1985
Petroleum fate and cleanup agent toxicology : an annotated bibliography / 1987
Phosphorus removal : a bibliography. 1973
Poisoning & medicine guidebook for reference and research / 1985
Pollution and toxics in the Great Lakes 1992
Poltox. I [electronic resource] / 0
Public access to the Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) : Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act. 1989
Publications on toxic substances : a descriptive listing. 1979
Review of literature on herbicides, including phenoxy herbicides and associated dioxins / 1981
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