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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Total maximum Daily loads)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Altamaha River Basin Dissolved Oxygen TMDLs. 2002
Ammonia and Nitrate TMDLs for Stone Dam Creek Watershed. Faulkner County, Arkansas River Valley Ecoregion Planning Segment 3f USGS HUC 11110203. 2003
BASINS [electronic resource] / 1999
Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources (BASINS) Modeling System. EPA Region 10 (AK, ID, OR, WA) (Version 2.0) (on CD-ROM). 1999
Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources (BASINS) Modeling System. EPA Region 4 (AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN) (Version 2.0) (on CD-ROM). 1999
Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources (BASINS) Modeling System. EPA Region 5 (IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI) (Version 2.0) (on CD-ROM). 1999
Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources (BASINS) Modeling System. EPA Region 6 (AR, LA, NM, OK, TX) (Version 2.0) (on CD-ROM). 1999
Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources (BASINS) Modeling System. EPA Region 7 (IA, KS, MO, NE) (Version 2.0) (on CD-ROM). 1999
Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources (BASINS) Modeling System. EPA Region 8 (CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY) (Version 2.0) (on CD-ROM). 1999
Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources (BASINS) Modeling System. EPA Region 9 (AZ, CA, HI, NV) (Version 2.0) (on CD-ROM). 1999
Better assessment science integrating point and nonpoint sources : BASINS Version 2.0 user's manual / 1996
Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources. BASINS. Version 2.0. User's Manual. 1998
Comprehensive Nonpoint Source Field Study for Sediment, Nutrients, and Pathogens in the South Fork Broad River Watershed in Northeast Georgia. 2004
Computing TMDLs for Urban Runoff and Other Pollutant Sources. 1991
Conceptual models and methods to guide diagnostic reseach 2006
Decision Rationale Total Maximum Daily Loads Anacostia River Watershed for Fecal Coliform Bacteria. 2003
District of Columbia Final Total Maximum Daily Load for Fecal Coliform Bacteria in Rock Creek. 2004
District of Columbia Final Total Maximum Daily Load for Fecal Coliform Bacteria in Upper Anacostia River, Lower Anacostia River, Watts Branch, Fort Dupont Creek, Fort Chaplin Tributary, Fort Davis Tributary, Fort Stanton Tributary, Hickey Run, Nash Run, Popes Branch, Texas Avenue Tributary. 2003
Fact Sheet: Aquatox Release 1: Simulation Model for Aquatic Ecosystems 2000
Fact Sheet: NPDES Permit 2004
Fish Creek Watershed Assessment and Total Maximum Daily Loads. 2008
Guidance for state water monitoring and wasteload allocation programs. 1985
Guidance for water quality-based decisions : the TMDL process. 1991
Guidance manual and example NPDES permit for concentrated animal feeding operations : review draft. 1999
Guidance on EPA's review and approval procedure for state submitted TMDLs/WLAs. 1986
Los Angeles Area Lakes Total Maximum Daily Loads for Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Mercury, Trash, Organochlorine Pesticides and PCBs. 2012
Low pH Total Maximum Daily Loads for the Youghiogheny River Basin in Garrett County, Maryland. Final Report. 2007
Model Report for Christina River Basin, Pennsylvania, Delware, And Maryland, High Flow Nutrient and DO TMDL Development {Draft} 2005
Modeling Report for Wissahickon Creek, Pennsylvania Siltation TMDL Development. 2003
Pathogen TMDLs for Planning Segments 4G Reaches Segments, AR11010009-902, AR11010012-016, AR11010012-015, AR11010012-014, AR11010012-011, AR11010012-010, AR11010012-008, AR11010012-003. 2007
Pathogen TMDLs for Selected Reaches in Planning Segment 1C. 2008
Pathogen TMDLs for Selected Reaches in Planning Segment 4E. 2007
Pend Oreille Lake Tributaries Temperature Total Maximum Daily Loads: Addendum to the Pend Oreille Lake Subbasin Assessment and TMDL. 2007
Pend Oreille River Total Dissolved Gas Total Maximum Daily Load. Water Quality Improvement Report. 2007
Protocol for developing pathogen TMDLs / 2001
Report of the Federal Advisory Committee on the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Program. 1998
Science Supporting Dissolved Oxygen Objectives in California Estuaries. 2012
Technical guidance manual for developing total maximum daily loads. Book 2, Streams and rivers. 1997
TMDL model evaluation and research needs [electronic resource] / 2005
TMDLs for Chloride, Sulfate, and TDS in Flat Creek and Salt Creek, Arkansas. (Reaches 08040201-706 and -806). 2003
TMDLs for Copper and Zinc for the Caddo River Basin, Arkansas. (HUC-reach 08040102-016, -018, -019, and -023). 2008
TMDLS for Segments Listed for Mercury in Fish Tissue for Selected Arkansas Watersheds. 2002
TMDLs for Turbidity for Bayou Deview and Cache River, AR. 2006
TMDLs for Turbidity for Cadron Creek, AR. 2006
TMDLs for Turbidity, Chloride, Sulfate, and TDS in the Boeuf River and Bayou Macon Basins, AR. 2005
Total maximum daily load (TMDL) program : policy and guidance, volume 1. 1997
Total Maximum Daily Load for Copper in Pinto Creek, Arizona. 2001
Total Maximum Daily Load of Mercury for Cash Lake Watershed, Prince George's County, Maryland. 2010
Total Maximum Daily Load of Sediment in the Upper Monocacy River Watershed, Frederick and Carroll Counties, Maryland. 2009
Total Maximum Daily Load To Address Biological Impairment in Potash Brook (VT05-11) Chittenden County, Vermont. 2006
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