Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Tobacco smoke pollution)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A 1st hand lesson in 2nd hand smoke. 1990
A quantitative estimate of nonsmokers' lung cancer risk from passive smoking / 1985
Active and passive smoking hazards in the workplace / 1990
Adverse health effects of smoking and the occupational environment. 1979
Characterization of Environmental Tobacco Smoke. 1989
Children and secondhand smoke. 1999
Chronic respiratory disease symptom effects of long-term cumulative exposure to passive tobacco smoke and to ambient levels of TSP, oxidants, SO2, and NO2 in Southern California / 1984
Cigarette smoke toxicity : linking individual chemicals to human diseases / 2011
Clearing the smoke : assessing the science base for tobacco harm reduction / 2001
Combustion processes and the quality of the indoor environment 1989
Community action kit : protecting children from exposure to secondhand smoke. 2000
Comparison of Bioindicators of Exposure to Genotoxic Indoor Air Pollutants. 1990
Concentrations of nicotine, RSP, CO, and CO2 in nonsmoking office areas under different conditions of recirculation of air from smoking designated areas / 1988
Cotinine Analytical Workshop Report: Consideration of Analytical Methods for Determining Cotinine in Human Body Fluids as a Measure of Passive Exposure to Tobacco Smoke. 1990
Cytotoxicity and Effect on Mutagenicity of Buffers in a Microsuspension Assay. 1989
Environmental tobacco smoke : a guide to workplace smoking policies. 1990
Environmental tobacco smoke : measuring exposures and assessing health effects / 1986
Environmental tobacco smoke : measuring exposures and assessing health effects / 1986
Environmental tobacco smoke : proceedings of the international symposium at McGill University, 1989 / 1990
Environmental tobacco smoke and lung cancer / 0
Environmental tobacco smoke and lung cancer risk 1995
Environmental tobacco smoke in the workplace : lung cancer and other health effects / 1991
Environmental Tobacco Smoke: Mutagenic Emission Rates and Their Relationship to Other Emission Factors. 1987
Estimation of the dose-response curve for human developmental toxicants : final report for Task 2-31 / 1987
Evaluation of sampling and analytical methodology for polynuclear aromatic compounds in indoor air / 1986
Evaluation of sampling and analytical methodology for polynuclear aromatic compounds in indoor air : final report / 1985
Evaluation of sampling and analytical methods for nicotine and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon in indoor air / 1987
Evaluation of sampling and analytical methods for nicotine and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon in indoor air : project summary / 1988
Genotoxic Assessment of Environmental Tobacco Smoke Using Bacterial Bioassays. 1989
Health effects of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke : final report / 1997
Health effects of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke : the report of the California Environmental Protection Agency / 1999
Health effects of interactions between tobacco use and exposure to other agents / 1999
Health effects of passive smoking : assessment of lung cancer in adults and respiratory disorders in children : review draft. 1990
How healthy is the air in your home : a room-by-room checklist for your home's indoor air. 1994
How tobacco smoke causes disease : the biology and behavioral basis for smoking-attributable disease : a report of the Surgeon General. 2010
Indoor air facts no. 5 : environmental tobacco smoke. 1989
Indoor Air Pollution and Pulmonary Performance: Investigating Errors in Exposure Assessment. 1989
Intercomparison of Sampling Techniques for Nicotine in Indoor Environments. 1990
Make your house a health home & more environmentally-friendly, too!. 2010
Make your house a health home & more environmentally-friendly, too!. 2010
Merchants of doubt : how a handful of scientists obscured the truth on issues from tobacco smoke to global warming / 2011
Mutagenic Determination of Passive Smoking (Journal Version). 1987
Neurobehavioral Effects of Environmental Tobacco Smoke. 1987
Passive smoke : the EPA's betrayal of science and policy / 1999
Passive Smoking on Commercial Airline Flights. 1989
Poisoning your children : the perils of secondhand smoke / 1997
Protect your children: take the smoke-free home pledge = Proteja a sus hijos: haga la promesa de mantener su hogar libre de humo. 2004
Questionnaire Assessment of Lifetime and Recent Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke. 1989
Respiratory health effects of passive smoking : fact sheet. 1993
Respiratory health effects of passive smoking : lung cancer and other disorders / 1992
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