Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 15
Showing: Items 1 - 15
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Tobacco Smoke Pollution adverse effects)

Select Item Title Year Published
A quantitative estimate of nonsmokers' lung cancer risk from passive smoking / 1985
Active and passive smoking hazards in the workplace / 1990
Adverse health effects of smoking and the occupational environment. 1979
Chronic respiratory disease symptom effects of long-term cumulative exposure to passive tobacco smoke and to ambient levels of TSP, oxidants, SO2, and NO2 in Southern California / 1984
Cigarette smoke toxicity : linking individual chemicals to human diseases / 2011
Environmental tobacco smoke : measuring exposures and assessing health effects / 1986
Environmental tobacco smoke : measuring exposures and assessing health effects / 1986
Environmental tobacco smoke : proceedings of the international symposium at McGill University, 1989 / 1990
Environmental tobacco smoke in the workplace : lung cancer and other health effects / 1991
Health effects of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke : the report of the California Environmental Protection Agency / 1999
Health effects of passive smoking : assessment of lung cancer in adults and respiratory disorders in children : review draft. 1990
How tobacco smoke causes disease : the biology and behavioral basis for smoking-attributable disease : a report of the Surgeon General. 2010
Respiratory health effects of passive smoking : fact sheet. 1993
Respiratory health effects of passive smoking : lung cancer and other disorders / 1992
Tobacco smoke and involuntary smoking. 2004

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