Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 20
Showing: Items 1 - 20
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Tires Environmental aspects)

Select Item Title Year Published
A glance at clean freight strategies : single wide-based tires. 2004
A glance at clean freight strategies : wide-base tires / 2002
Brake and tire wear emissions from on-road vehicles in MOVES2014 / 2014
Brake and tire wear emissions from on-road vehicles in MOVES2014 / 2015
Brake and tire wear emissions from onroad vehicles in MOVES3 / 2020
Characterization of emissions from the simulated open burning of scrap tires / 1989
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the tire and synthetic segment of the rubber processing point source category. 1974
Evaluation of particulate emission factors for vehicle tire wear / 1979
Grawn, MI tire fires. 1995
Investigation of products of tire wear / 1972
Low rolling resistance tires : a glance at clean freight strategies / 2016
Low rolling resistance tires : a glance at clean freight strategies / 2019
Low rolling resistance tires : a glance at clean freight strategies. 2009
Low rolling resistance tires. 2003
Partner profile CFI : Contract Freighters, Inc. 2006
Scrap tire cleanup guidebook : a resource for solid waste managers across the United States / 2006
SmartWay verified low rolling resistance tires : performance requirements. 2012
Summary and analysis of comments received in response to draft EPA procedures for the measurement of tire rolling resistance and subsequent grading and labeling of tires / 1980
The flow of used and waste tires in the California-Mexico border region / 2009
Tire fires / 1987

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