Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 130
Showing: Items 101 - 130
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Time series analysis)

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Select Item Title Year Published
The analysis of time series : an introduction / 1984
The Clean Air Act ozone design value study : final report. 1994
The statistical analysis of time series 1971
Time series : data analysis and theory 1981
Time series : theory and methods / 1993
Time series analysis / 1994
Time series analysis : forecasting and control / 1994
Time series analysis : forecasting and control / 1976
Time series analysis : forecasting and control / 2008
Time series analysis : regression techniques / 1978
Time series analysis and its applications / 2000
Time series analysis and its applications : with R examples / 2011
Time Series Analysis of Coal Data from Preparation Plants. 1982
Time series analysis papers. 1967
Time series analysis; forecasting and control 1970
Time series and ecological processes : proceedings of a conference sponsored by SIAM Institute for Mathematics and Society and supported by the National Science Foundation / 1978
Time series experiments for studying plant growth response to pollution / 1978
Time Series Model for Cigarette Smoking Activity Patterns: Model Validation for Carbon Monoxide and Respirable Particles in a Chamber and an Automobile. 1992
Time Series Satellite Data to Identify Vegetation Response to Stress as an Indicator of Ecosystem Health. 1995
Time series: data analysis and theory 1974
Time-Dependent Behavior of Water Chemistry in Hydrologic Systems. 1969
Time-series 1973
Total Human Exposure Model (THEM) for Respirable Suspended Particles (RSP). 1994
Two indoor air exposure modeling studies : CONTAM modeling results, and serial correlation effects / 1991
Urban airshed model : study of five cities. 1990
User's guide for the urban airshed model : volume VI : user's manual for the postprocessing system / 1991
User's guide for the urban airshed model : volume VII: user's manual for the performance evaluation system / 1992
Variability of I/M Test Scores over Time. 1988
Virginian Province demonstration report : EMAP-estuaries, 1990 / 1993
Wind Rose Plotting Program (WRPLOT) (on Diskette). 1998
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