Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 117
Showing: Items 51 - 100
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Timber)

Select Item Title Year Published
Forest statistics for Massachusetts, 1972 and 1985 / 1988
Forest statistics for New Hampshire, 1973 and 1983 / 1985
Forest statistics for New Jersey, 1987 / 1989
Forest statistics for New York, 1980 / 1982
Forest statistics for North Carolina, 1990 1991
Forest statistics for Ohio, 1979 / 1981
Forest statistics for Pennsylvania - 1978. 1980
Forest statistics for Rhode Island, 1972 and 1985 / 1988
Forest statistics for the northern mountains of Virginia, 1992 1992
Forest statistics for Vermont, 1973 and 1983 / 1985
Forest statistics of the United States, 1987 1989
Forest survey methods used in the USDA Forest Service / 1989
Framework for Analysis of Error Propagation in National Carbon Budgets. 1996
Harvesting systems for the northern forest hardwoods / 2011
Illinois Creek Timber Sale, Supplement to the Final Environmental Impact Statement 1996
Indiana forest statistics, 1986 1988
Indiana's timber resource, 1986 : an analysis / 1990
Land and Resource Management Plan for the Dixie National Forest 1986
Log production in Washington and Oregon an historical perspective 1972
Map Set of the Land and Resource Management Plan, 2002 Revision 2002
Maryland timber industry : an assessment of timber product output and use, 2008 / 2012
Mechanical grading of 6-inch-diameter lodgepole pine logs for the Traveler's Rest and Rattlesnake Creek bridges / 2005
Michigan timber industry : an assessment of timber product output and use, 2006 / 2010
Missionary Ridge Burned Area Timber Salvage Project: Draft Environmental Impact Statement 2003
Modern timber design / 1948
Monitoring Global Change: Comparison of Forest Cover Estimates Using Remote Sensing and Inventory Approaches. 1993
Planned and actual impacts on fish and water quality on {i.e. in} three national forests in northern Idaho 1987
Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Pacific Northwest Forest Vegetation. 1992
Profile 2003 : softwood sawmills in the United States and Canada / 2003
Proposed Land and Resource Management Plan for the Dixie National Forest 1985
Proposed Martinez Creek Timber Sale Draft Environmental Impact Statement 1992
Proposed Revised Land and Resource Management Plan, Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests, Pawnee National Grassland 1990
Prospective timber supplies and forest industrial development in the Willamette River Basin; administrative report prepared for the Willamette River Basin Task Force of the Columbia River Interagency Committee. 1965
Rate of timber harvest in Washington State. 1996
Record of Decision Final Environmental Impact Statement and Land and Resource Management Plan Dixie National Forest 1986
Record of Decision for Sheep Flats Diversity Unit Timber Sales, Final Environmental Impact Statement (as Supplemented) 2001
Record of Decision for the Land and Resource Management Plan - 2002 Revision 2002
Record of Decision, Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Standards and Guidelines in the Intermountain Regional Guide 1984
Regional Forest Management Planning in the Southern United States. 1990
Report of the President's Advisory Panel on Timber and the Environment. 1973
Resource assessment of non-wood forest products : experience and biometric principles / 2001
Roanoke River Water Flow Committee Report for 1991-1993. 1993
Rocky Mountain Environmental Research. Quest for a Future. Problems and Research Priorities in the Rocky Mountain Region. 1975
Rocky Mountain Environmental Research. Quest for a Future: Problems and Research Priorities in the Rocky Mountain Region. 1975
Sheep Flats Timber Sale Environmental Impact Statement, Draft 1993
Silver Creek Study : evaluation of environmental impacts of alternative timber harvesting projects on granite soils of the Idaho Batholith / 1974
Silvics of North America / 1990
Silvopasture : an agroforestry practice / 1997
Simulation Model for Watershed Management Planning. Volume 2. Model User Manual. 1984
Summary Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Revised Land and Resource Management Plan Rio Grande National Forest 1995

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