Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 117
Showing: Items 101 - 117
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Timber)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Summary Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Revised Land and Resource Management Plan Rio Grande National Forest 1995
Summary Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Dixie National Forest 1986
Summary of the Final Environmental Impact Statement (to accompany the Land and Resource Management Plan - 2002 Revision) 2002
Sustainable harvest of non-timber plant resources in tropical moist forest : an ecological primer / 1994
The economic effects of climate change on U.S. forests : final report / 1995
The Economic impact of air pollution on timber markets : studies from North America and Europe / 1992
The Rocky Mountain timber situation, 1970 / 1974
Timber management plan, Chequamegon National Forest : final environmental statement. 1978
Timber resource statistics for non-Federal forest land in northwest Oregon 1986
Timber resource statistics for non-Federal forest land in west-central Oregon 1987
Timber resource statistics for Washington, January 1, 1973 1974
Timber resources of the Inland Empire area, Washington 1974
Timber supply, land allocation, and economic efficiency 1980
Virginia's forests, 1992 1994
Waste treatment and disposal aspects to development of California's pulp and paper resources .. A cooperative study ... 1957
Wetland timber resource of the southeast a report of the SETD Wetland Logging Task Force / 1988
Wood Production under Changing Climate and Land Use. IPCC Working Group II, Second Assessment Report, 1995. Chapter 15 (Revised, July 28, 1995). 1995
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