Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 13
Showing: Items 1 - 13
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Tijdreeksen)

Select Item Title Year Published
Applied time series analysis for the social sciences / 1980
Interrupted time series analysis / 1980
Introduction to time series and forecasting / 1996
Practical time-frequency analysis : Gabor and wavelet transforms with an implementation in S / 1998
The analysis of time series : an introduction / 1984
The statistical analysis of time series 1971
Time series analysis / 1994
Time series analysis : forecasting and control / 1994
Time series analysis : forecasting and control / 1976
Time series analysis : regression techniques / 1978
Time series analysis and its applications / 2000
Time series analysis and its applications : with R examples / 2011
Time series analysis; forecasting and control 1970

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