Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 20
Showing: Items 1 - 20
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Thunderstorms)

Select Item Title Year Published
10th Conference on Severe Local Storms, October 18-21, 1977, Omaha, Nebraska / 1977
11th Conference on Severe Local Storms, October 2-5, 1979 : [preprints of papers] / 1979
Aircraft Observations of Extreme Ozone Concentrations Near Thunderstorms. 1985
Boating safety, thunderstorms 1978
Characterization of Water Movement into and Through Soils During and Immediately After Rainstorms. 1972
Cloudiness in Poland (Zachmurzenie Polski) 1966
Digital Simulation of Thunderstorm Rainfall. 1972
Forecasting of hail, thunderstorms, and showers = Prognoz grada, groz i livnevykh osadkov 1977
Further case studies on the impact of mesoscale convective systems on regional ozone and haze distributions / 1986
Instruments and techniques for thunderstorm observation and analysis 1988
Investigation of the Effects of Urbanization on Precipitation Type, Frequency, Areal and Temporal Distribution. 1971
Lightning strikes : staying safe under stormy skies / 2002
Modeling of Hydrologic Processes and Water Salvage Procedures in Semiarid Regions. 1971
Observations of Transport of Trace Gases by Vigorous Convective Clouds. 1992
Precipitation Characteristics of the Northern New Jersey, New York City Metropolitan Area. 1972
Sensitivity Analysis of a Thunderstorm Rainfall Model. 1974
Thunderstorm in human affairs 1983
Thunderstorm morphology and dynamics 1986
Thunderstorm rainfall / 1947
Thunderstorms and lightning ... Illinois' most awesome weather / 1985

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