Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant)

Select Item Title Year Published
Accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear powerplant : oversight hearings before a task force of the Subcommittee on Energy and the Environment of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives, Ninety-sixth Congress, first session on the accident at the Three Mile Island Nuclear Powerplant, Middletown, PA. 1979
Airborne cloud tracking measurements during the Three Mile Island nuclear station accident 1984
Analysis of the Three Mile Island accident and alternative sequences 1980
Answers to frequently asked questions about cleanup activities at Three Mile Island, Unit 2 1980
Atmospheric diffusion experiments with SF6 tracer gas at Three Mile Island Nuclear Station under low wind speed inversion conditions / 1972
Ecological study of the Susquehanna River near the Three Mile Island Nuclear Station annual report for ... 1978
Environmental assessment for decontamination of the Three Mile Island Unit 2 Reactor Building atmosphere : draft NRC Staff Report for public comment 1980
Environmental radioactivity at the TMI, venting phase 1985
Environmental radioactivity at the TMI, venting phase / 1985
Estimates of dose due to noble gas releases from the Three Mile Island incident using the AIRDOS-EPA computer code 1980
Final environmental assessment for decontamination of the Three Mile Island unit 2 reactor building atmosphere final NRC staff report. 1980
Final environmental statement related to operation of Three Mile Island Nuclear Station units 1 and 2, Metropolitan Edison Company, Pennsylvania Electric Company, Jersey Central Power and Light Company, docket nos. 50-289 and 50-320. 1972
Final programmatic environmental impact statement related to decontamination and disposal of radioactive wastes resulting from March 28, 1979, accident Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit 2, Docket no. 50-320, Metropolitan Edison Company, Jersey Central Power and Light Company, Pennsylvania Electric Company. 1981
Greater commitment needed to solve continuing problems at Three Mile Island : report to the Congress / 1981
Impact of federal R&D funding on Three Mile Island cleanup costs : report 1982
Investigation into the March 28, 1979, Three Mile Island accident 1979
Investigations of reported plant and animal health effects in the Three Mile Island area / 1980
Known effects of low-level radiation exposure health implications of the TMI accident, April 1979 : proceedings of a conference / 1980
Legal aspects of the Three Mile Island accident / 1979
Long-term environmental radiation surveillance plan for Three Mile Island. 1980
Meltdown : a race against nuclear disaster at Three Mile Island : a reporter's story / 2001
Nuclear accident and recovery at Three Mile Island : a report / 1980
Nuclear powerplant safety after Three Mile Island : report / 1980
Population dose and health impact of the accident at the Three Mile Island Nuclear Station : a preliminary assessment for the period March 28 through April 7, 1979 / 1979
Population dose and health impact of the accident at the Three Mile Island Nuclear Station : preliminary estimates for the period March 28, 1979 through April 7, 1979 1979
Radiation monitoring system for nuclear power plants (with special reference to the Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Station) / 1987
Report of the Governor's Commission on Three Mile Island : presented to Honorable Dick Thornburgh, Governor, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 1980
Report of the Public's Right to Information Task Force 1979
Report of the Task Group on Behavioral Effects / 1979
Report of the Task Group on Health Physics and Dosimetry / 1979
Report of the Task Group on Public Health and Epidemiology / 1979
Reports of the Technical Assessment Task Force. 1979
Review of dose assessments at Three Mile Island and recommendations for future research 1984
Summary of Public Health and Safety Task Force report / 1979
Technical staff analysis report on report of the Radiation Health Effects Task Group 1979
Technical staff analysis report on summary sequence of events 1979
The need for change, the legacy of TMI : report of the President's Commission on the Accident at Three Mile Island. 1979
The people of Three Mile Island / 1980
Three Mile Island : a reader's guide to selected government publications and government-sponsored research publications / 1988
Three Mile Island : prologue or epilogue? / 1980
Three Mile Island cleanup : experiences, waste disposal, and environmental impact 1982
Three Mile Island Nuclear Powerplant accident : hearings before the Subcommittee on Nuclear Regulation of the Committee on Environment and Public Works, United States Senate, Ninety-sixth Congress, first session ... 1979
Three Mile Island nuclear reactor accident of March 1979. : Environmental radiation data : update 2, volume 1 / 1981
Three Mile Island nuclear reactor accident of March 1979. : Environmental radiation data : update 2, volume II / 1981
Three Mile Island, the most studied nuclear accident in history : report to the Congress / 1980

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