Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Thermal desorption)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A citizen's guide to thermal desorption. 2012
A citizen's guide to thermal desorption. 1992
A citizen's guide to thermal desorption. 1996
Abstracts of remediation case studies / 1995
Abstracts of remediation case studies : volume 2 / 1997
Abstracts of remediation case studies : volume 3 / 1998
Abstracts of remediation case studies : volume 4 / 2000
Abstracts of remediation case studies : volume 5 / 2001
Abstracts of remediation case studies : volume 7 / 2003
Abstracts of Remediation Case Studies. Volume 6. 2004
Adsorption-Thermal Desorption as a Method for the Determination of Low Levels of Aqueous Organics. 1982
Air Emissions from the Treatment of Soils Contaminated with Petroleum Fuels and Other Substances (October 1997). 1997
Applications of New Technologies at Hazardous Waste Sites. 1995
Bench-scale evaluation of ReTeC's thermal desorption technology on contaminated sediments from the Ashtabula River / 1994
Citizen's guide to thermal desorption. 2001
Eco Logic international gas-phase chemical reduction process - the thermal desorption unit : applications analysis report / 1994
Engineering bulletin : separation/concentration technology alternatives for the remediation of pesticide-contaminated soil. 1997
Engineering forum issue paper : thermal desportion implementation issues / 1997
Engineering-scale demonstration of thermal desorption technology for manufactured gas plant site soils 1989
Estimation of air impacts for thermal desorption units used at Superfund sites / 1993
Evaluation of rotary kiln incinerator operation at low-to-moderate temperature conditions / 1996
Ex-situ Remediation Technologies as Practiced in USA. 1993
Feasibility study analysis and administrative record for woodtreater presumptive remedy / 1997
Feasibility study analysis for CERCLA sites with volatile organic compounds in soil. 1994
Field Evaluation of a Modified VOST Sampling Method. 1993
Field test of manufactured gas plant remediation technologies thermal desorption / 1995
Guia del ciudadano : la desorcion termica. 1992
Guia del ciudadano : la desorcion termica. 1996
Guia del ciudadano para la desorcion termica. 2001
Guia del ciudadano para la desorcion termica. 2001
Guide for conducting treatability studies under CERCLA : thermal desorption remedy selection. 1992
How to evaluate alternative cleanup technologies for underground storage tank sites : a guide for corrective action plan reviewers / 1995
Initial Screening of Thermal Desorption for Soil Remediation (Chapter 11). 1993
Innovative site remediation technology : thermal desorption / 1993
Innovative Site Remediation Technology: Design and Application. Volume 5. Thermal Desorption. 1998
Innovative treatment technologies : annual status report. 1994
Multi-state evaluation of the site characterization and analysis penetrometer system volatile organic compound (SCAPS-VOC) sensing technologies, final / 1999
On-site engineering report for the low-temperature thermal desorption pilot-scale test on contaminated soil / 1992
Parameters Impacting the Emissions of Selected VOCs from the Toner for a Specific Photocopier. 2000
Petroleum contaminated soil treatment in asphalt plants : test burn results / 1990
Pilot-scale demonstration of thermal desorption for the treatment of Ashtabula River sediments : final report / 1994
Pilot-scale demonstration of thermal desorption for the treatment of Buffalo River sediments : final report / 1993
Presumptive remedies for soils, sediments, and sludges at wood treater sites. 1995
Remediation case studies : ex situ soil treatment technologies (bioremediation, solvent extraction, thermal desorption) : volume 7 / 1998
Remediation case studies : in situ soil treatment technologies (soil vapor extraction, thermal processes) : volume 8 / 1998
Remediation case studies : thermal desorption, soil washing, and in situ vitrification / 1995
Remediation technology cost compendium - : year 2000 / 2001
Seminar on the use of treatability guidelines in site remediation. 1992
Seminar Series on Wood Preserving Site Remediation 1997
Site Program Demonstration, Eco Logic International. Gas-Phase Chemical Reduction Process, Bay City, Michigan. Technology Evaluation Report and Appendices. 1994
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