Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 12
Showing: Items 1 - 12
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Thalassia testudinum)

Select Item Title Year Published
Biological availability of pollutants to marine organisms / 1978
Comparison of the Effects of Drilling Fluid on Macrobenthic Invertebrates Associated with the Seagrass, 'Thalassia testudinum', in the Laboratory and Field. 1992
Comparison of the Seagrass 'Thalassia testudinum' and Its Epiphytes in the Field and in Laboratory Test Systems. 1990
Effects of Drilling Fluids on 'Thalassia testudinum' and Its Epiphytic Algae. 1986
Effects of Lugworms and Seagrass on Kepone (Trade Name) (Chlordecone) Distribution in Sediment/Water Laboratory Systems. 1985
Flow-through System for Exposure of Seagrass to Pollutants. 1981
Pollutant Dynamics as Influenced by Seagrass Beds: Experiments with Tributyltin in 'Thalassia' Microcosms. 1990
Propeller Scar Monitoring Program for the Tampa Bay Estuary Program. 1996
Seagrass Stress Response Model: The Importance of Light, Temperature, Sedimentaion, and Geochemistry. 2002
Seagrasses and protective criteria : a review and assessment of research status / 2009
Seasonal Changes in the Standing Crop and Chlorophyll Content of Thalassia testudinum' Banks Ex Koenig and Its Epiphytes in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. 1988
Seasonal variation and the effects of light intensity and quality of Thalassia testudinum / 1989

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