Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Teratogenic agents)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Assessment of reproductive and teratogenic hazards 1983
Association between birth defects and exposure to ambient vinyl chloride / 1981
Association between birth defects and exposure to ambient vinyl chloride / 1981
Biochemical basis of chemical teratogenesis 1981
Birth defects and drugs in pregnancy 1977
Carbaryl : decision document / 1980
Catalog of teratogenic agents 1992
Catalog of teratogenic agents 1976
Catalog of teratogenic agents 2001
Catalog of teratogenic agents 1998
Catalog of teratogenic agents 1986
Catalog of teratogenic agents 1980
Chemically induced birth defects 1993
Chemically induced birth defects 1985
Chemically induced birth defects / 2000
Clinical aspects of the teratogenicity of drugs / 1976
Culture techniques : applicability for studies on prenatal differentiation and toxicity : Fifth Symposium on Prenatal Development, May 1981, Berlin / 1981
Developmental hazard assessment : evaluation of the adult to developmental (A/D) ratio and relationship of developmental to maternal toxicity / 2000
Developmental toxicology 1994
Developmental toxicology / 1981
Developmental toxicology. 2009
Drug and chemical risks to the fetus and newborn : proceedings of a symposium held in New York May 21 and 22, 1979 1980
Drugs as teratogens / 1976
EC 7th amendment : "Toxic to reproduction," guidance on classification / 1992
Effects of carcinogens, mutagens, and teratogens on non-human species (aquatic animals) : fourth annual report of the NCI/EPA Collaborative Program / 1983
Effects of polychlorinated biphenyl compounds and proposed PCB-replacement products on embryo-larval stages of fish and amphibians 1978
Evaluation of carcinogenic, teratogenic, and mutagenic activities of selected pesticides and industrial chemicals. 1968
Handbook of teratology 1977
In vitro embryotoxicity and teratogenicity tests 1985
Interspecies comparison in teratology testing 1984
Investigations of chemicals for effects on reproductive functions and fetal development 1980
Methods for detection of environmental agents that produce congenital defects proceedings of the Guadeloupe Conference / 1975
Monitoring, birth defects and environment: the problem of surveillance; proceedings. 1971
Mutagenicity, carcinogenicity, and teratogenicity of industrial pollutants 1984
Mycotoxin teratogenicity and mutagenicity 1981
Neurobehavioral toxicology and teratology. 1981
Neurotoxicology and teratology. 1987
New approaches to the evaluation of abnormal embryonic development 2. Symposium on Prenatal Development, September 1975, Berlin / 1975
Possible teratogenic and carcinogenic effects of pesticides on human health : final report on the collaborative programme of work undertaken by the Instituto Nacional de Salud, Bogota, Colombia and the International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France conducted in fulfillment of the contract between the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the World Health Organization : 30 September 1980 - 31 January 1985 / 1985
Preliminary report structure/activity relationship of teratogenic chemicals 1978
Principles for the testing of drugs for teratogenicity. Report of a WHO Scientific Group. 1967
Principles of genetic toxicology / 1980
Proceedings : Symposium of Some Problems of Normal and Abnormal Differentiation and Development, June 15-17, 1959, Bar Harbor, Maine 1960
Reproductive health hazards in the workplace. 1985
Reproductively active chemicals : a reference guide / 1991
Safe handling of chemical carcinogens, mutagens, teratogens, and highly toxic substances 1980
Skeletal variants as an indicator of biological effects of environmental contaminants / 1981
Teratogens chemicals which cause birth defects / 1993
Teratogens chemicals which cause birth defects / 1988
Teratologic effects of long-term exposure to diesel exhaust emissions (rabbits) / 1980
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