Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Aggregation of Selected RADM Simulations to Estimate Annual Ambient Air Concentrations of Fine Particulate Matter. 1995
Analytical and Experimental Studies of the Benthic Boundary Layer and Their Applicability to Near-Bottom Transport in Lake Erie. 1987
Application of Ecological Theory to Determine Recovery Potential of Disturbed Lotic Ecosystems: Research Needs and Priorities. 1990
Blue Crab, 'Callinectes sapidus', Hemocyanin Concentrations as an Indicator of Environmental Conditions in the Albemarle/Pamlico Estuary. 1992
Chapter 17: Workgroup Summary Report on Methodological Uncertainty in Conducting Sediment Ecological Risk Assessments with Contaminated Sediments. 1996
Characterization of the Spatiotemporal Variability of Non-Urban Ozone Concentrations over the Eastern United States. 1993
Characterization of the Wintertime Boise, Idaho, Air Shed: A Comprehensive Field Study Report for the U.S. EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. 1991
Chesapeake Bay nutrients, light and SAV : relationships between water quality and SAV growth in field and mesocosm studies / 1995
Climate Change and Isoprene Emissions from Vegetation. 1991
Climate. 1992
Climatically Induced Rapid Acidification of a Softwater Seepage Lake. 1990
Collection and Chemical Analysis of Lichens for Biomonitoring. 1991
Comparison of Commercial vs Homeowner Application for Transport of Lawn-Applied Herbidide 2,4-D into Homes. 1997
Compilation of photochemical models' performance statistics for 11/94 ozone SIP applications. 1996
Contaminants and Drinking-Water Sources in 2001: Recent Findings of the U.S. Geological Survey. 2002
Criteria Pollutant and Acid Aerosol Characterization Study, Catano, Puerto Rico. 1995
Data Summary from the Tampa Bay Interagency Seagrass Monitoring Program through the Year 2002. 2003
Data Summary from the Tampa Bay Interagency Seagrass Monitoring Program through Year 2003. 2004
Design of a Basinwide Monitoring Program for the Tampa Bay Estuary. 1992
Development and Evaluation of an Acid Precipitation Monitor for Fractional Event Sampling with Capability for Real-Time pH and Conductivity Measurement. 1990
Development of Impact-Oriented Climate Scenarios. 1991
Estimating lightning-generated nox emissions for regional air pollution models (interim report Jan-Sep 90) / 1990
Everett Harbor action plan : data summaries / 1985
Feasibility of Using Satellite Derived Data to Infer Surface-Layer Ozone Concentration Patterns. 1994
Fractal-Based Stochastic Interpolation Scheme in Subsurface Hydrology. 1993
Improved Algorithms for Estimating the Effects of Pollution Impacts from Area and Open Pit Sources (1996). 1996
Landscape Connectivity: Different Functions at Different Scales. 1990
Methods of Assessing Responses of Trees, Stands and Ecosystems to Air Pollution (Chapter 7). 1992
Modeling Fine Particulate Mass and Visibility Using the EPA Regional Particulate Model. 1995
Modeling Instantaneous Residential Demands in Municipal Water Distribution Systems. 1992
NAPAP Emissions Enventory (Version 2): U.S. and Canadian TSP Nonmobile Sources Modelers' Tape - Spring Saturday, 1985. 1989
NAPAP Emissions Inventory (Version 2): U.S. and Canada Natural Particulate Sources Modelers' Tape - Fall Saturday, 1985. 1989
NAPAP Emissions Inventory (Version 2): U.S. and Canada Natural Particulate Sources Modelers' Tape - Fall Sunday, 1985. 1989
NAPAP Emissions Inventory (Version 2): U.S. and Canada Natural Particulate Sources Modelers' Tape - Fall Weekday, 1985. 1989
NAPAP Emissions Inventory (Version 2): U.S. and Canada Natural Particulate Sources Modelers' Tape - Spring Saturday, 1985. 1989
NAPAP Emissions Inventory (Version 2): U.S. and Canada Natural Particulate Sources Modelers' Tape - Spring Sunday, 1985. 1989
NAPAP Emissions Inventory (Version 2): U.S. and Canada Natural Particulate Sources Modelers' Tape - Spring Weekday, 1985. 1989
NAPAP Emissions Inventory (Version 2): U.S. and Canada Natural Particulate Sources Modelers' Tape - Summer Saturday, 1985. 1989
NAPAP Emissions Inventory (Version 2): U.S. and Canada Natural Particulate Sources Modelers' Tape - Summer Sunday, 1985. 1989
NAPAP Emissions Inventory (Version 2): U.S. and Canada Natural Particulate Sources Modelers' Tape - Summer Weekday, 1985. 1989
NAPAP Emissions Inventory (Version 2): U.S. and Canada Natural Particulate Sources Modelers' Tape - Winter Saturday, 1985. 1989
NAPAP Emissions Inventory (Version 2): U.S. and Canada Natural Particulate Sources Modelers' Tape - Winter Sunday, 1985. 1989
NAPAP Emissions Inventory (Version 2): U.S. and Canada Natural Particulate Sources Modelers' Tape - Winter Weekday, 1985. 1989
NAPAP Emissions Inventory (Version 2): U.S. and Canada THC Mobile Sources Modelers' Tape, 1985. 1989
NAPAP Emissions Inventory (Version 2): U.S. and Canada THC Mobile Sources Modelers' Tapes - Fall Saturday, 1985. 1989
NAPAP Emissions Inventory (Version 2): U.S. and Canada THC Mobile Sources Modelers' Tapes - Fall Sunday, 1985. 1989
NAPAP Emissions Inventory (Version 2): U.S. and Canada THC Mobile Sources Modelers' Tapes - Spring Saturday, 1985. 1989
NAPAP Emissions Inventory (Version 2): U.S. and Canada THC Mobile Sources Modelers' Tapes - Spring Sunday, 1985. 1989
NAPAP Emissions Inventory (Version 2): U.S. and Canada THC Mobile Sources Modelers' Tapes - Spring Weekday, 1985. 1989
NAPAP Emissions Inventory (Version 2): U.S. and Canada THC Mobile Sources Modelers' Tapes - Summer Saturday, 1985. 1989
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