Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 61
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Telecommunication)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A comparison of measurement techniques to determine electric fields and magnetic flux under EHV overhead power transmission lines / 1978
Acoustics. 1954
Agency catalog of data policies and standards. 1991
Agency catalog of data policies and standards. 1991
All-in-1 electronic messaging system : student guide. 1991
An evaluation of selected satellite communication systems as sources of environmental microwave radiation / 1974
Antarctic telecommunications : proceedings of the SCAR Symposium on Technical and Scientific Problems Affecting Antarctic Telecommunications, Sandefjord, Norway, 10 to 16 May 1972 / 1972
Bridger Telemetry Communications System. 1967
Compressive sensing for urban radar / 2015
Compressive sensing of earth observations / 2017
Contracting and subcontracting guide to the superfund program. 1992
Electricity requirements for a digital society 2002
Electronic communication 1975
Environmental consequences of telematics : telecommunication, computation, and information technologies / 1982
Environmental Protection Agency 1981-1990 ADP Requirements Study. Consolidated Systems Study. Volume I. Executive Management Summary. 1977
Environmental Protection Agency 1981-1990 ADP Requirements Study. Consolidated Systems Study. Volume II. Detailed Report. 1977
Environmental Protection Agency 1981-1990 ADP Requirements Study. Consolidated Systems Study. Volume III. Appendices. 1977
Environmental Protection Agency 1981-1990 ADP Requirements Study. Consolidated Telecommunication Study. Volume III. Appendices. 1977
Environmental Protection Agency 1981-1990 ADP Requirements Study. Consolidated Telecommunications Study. Volume I. Executive Management Summary. 1977
Environmental Protection Agency 1981-1990 ADP Requirements Study. Consolidated Telecommunications Study. Volume II. Detailed Report. 1977
Environmental Protection Agency 1981-1990 ADP Requirements Study. Conversion Study, Technical Report. 1977
Evaluation of the SPOT satellite messenger / 2008
Fields and waves in communication electronics 1984
From Gutenberg to Google : the history of our future / 2019
Future developments in telecommunications 1977
FY90 telecommunications planning : network vision revised report / 1990
Guide for acquiring telecommunications equipment and services 1994
Guide for using satellite communications networks in the government 1989
High frequency circuit design 1979
High performance computing and communications : toward a national information infrastructure : a report / 1994
High power radiofrequency and microwave radiation sources : a study of relative environmental significance / 1976
Information technology for counterterrorism : immediate actions and future possibilities / 2003
Instructions for joining the Verify list server / 2007
Leadership under challenge : information technology R & D in a competitive world : an assessment of the Federal Networking and Information Technology R & D Program / 2007
Mobile learning for expanding educational opportunities : workshop report / 2005
Model State Information System for the Safe Drinking Water Program. Feasibility Study for Development and Implementation of a Model State Information System for EPA's Safe Drinking Water Program. 1976
Modern Technologies for Landslide Monitoring and Prediction [electronic resource] / 2015
NDPD operational directives manual / 1994
NDPD operational policies manual / 1992
OSWER Superfund Telephone Directory. 1992
Principles and applications of random noise theory. 1958
Radar for Meteorological and Atmospheric Observations [electronic resource] / 2014
Satellite telemetry : a new tool for wildlife research and management / 1988
Schaums outlines signals and systems / 2011
Scintillation, Polarization, and Multipath Effects on VHF Propagation Between Synchronous Satellites and Aircraft. 1970
Sensor technologies : healthcare, wellness, and environmental applications / 2014
Staking out the public interest in the merger between Pacific Telesis and Southwestern Bell Corporation : a white paper / 1997
Statistical Analysis of Data Obtained from Long-Range Spacecraft. 1971
TCP/IP and ONC/NFS internetworking in a UNIX environment / 1994
Technology for a global mission eighth annual OIRM/WIC open house, April 23-25, 1991 : exhibit information / 1991
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