Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
AAAS science and technology policy yearbook. 1991
American science policy since World War II 1990
Applied science and technological progress : a report to the Committee on Science and Astronautics, U.S. House of Representatives / 1967
Assessment of the role of science and technology in standard setting by two federal regulatory agencies 1980
Better information management policies needed : a study of scientific and technical bibliographic services : report to the Congress 1979
Beyond Sputnik : U.S. science policy in the twenty-first century / 2008
Biennial science and technology report to the Congress. 1984
Collected presentations presented at the workshop, Towards a national S & T data policy : April 14, 1983, Whittall Pavilion, Jefferson Building, Library of Congress, First and Independence Avenue, SE, Washington, D.C. / 1983
Directory of federal laboratory & technology resources : a guide to services, facilities, and expertise / 0
Emerging issues in science and technology : a compilation of reports on CRS workshops conducted for the Committee on Science and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives, Ninety-sixth Congress, second session / 1981
Enabling the future : linking science and technology to societal goals : a report of the Carnegie Commission on Science, Technology, and Government. 1992
Environmental Technologies Testing and Demonstration Sites : a Federal Directory / 1996
EPA's Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program. 2008
Facing toward governments : nongovernmental organizations and scientific and technical advice : a report of the Carnegie Commission on Science, Technology, and Government. 1993
Federal funding of civilian research and development : summary and case studies 1976
Federal role in developing automotive technology : hearing before the Subcommittee on Transportation, Aviation, and Materials of the Committee on Science and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives, Ninety-seventh Congress, first session, July 7, 1981. 1981
Federal Technology Transfer Act : environmental monitoring technologies opportunities. 1992
From bench to backyard : EPA patents at work protecting human health and the environment. 2007
Frontiers of illusion : science, technology, and the politics of progress / 1996
Governing science and technology 1976
International science and engineering partnerships : a priority for U.S. foreign policy and our nation's innovation enterprise / 2008
Limited by design : R & D laboratories in the U.S. national innovation system / 1998
National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology (NACEPT) National Environmental Technology Competition Advice letter / 2002
National Science Foundation and Office of Science and Technology Policy : accompanying report of the National Performance Review, Office of the Vice President. 1994
Networking and information technology research and development : supplement to the President's budget for fiscal year 2006 / 2005
New thinking and American defence technology a report of the Carnegie Commission on Science, Technology, and Government. 1993
Observations on the President's fiscal year 2003 federal science and technology budget 2002
Partnering against terrorism : summary of a workshop / 2005
Partnerships : a compendium of state and federal cooperative technology programs / 1995
Pasteur's quadrant : basic science and technological innovation / 1997
PNGV (Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles) : program plan. 1994
Principles for regulation and oversight of emerging technologies / 2011
Public technology, key to improved government technology 1981
Recoding America : why government is failing in the digital age and how we can do better / 2023
Rising above the gathering storm : energizing and employing America for a brighter economic future / 2006
Science & technology and the president a report of the Carnegie Commission on Science, Technology, and Government. 1993
Science and technology agenda for the nation recommendations for the president and Congress : a report of the Carnegie Commission on Science, Technology, and Government. 1992
Science and technology in U.S. international affairs. 1992
Science and technology, shaping the twenty-first century : a report to the Congress. 1997
Science, technology, and Congress : expert advice and the decision-making process. 1991
Science, technology, and Congress analysis and advice from the congressional support agencies : a report of the Carnegie Commission on Science, Technology, and Government. 1993
Science, technology, and Congress analysis and advice from the congressional support agencies : a report of the Carnegie Commission on Science, Technology, and Government. 1991
Science, technology, and Congress organizational and procedural reforms : a report of the Carnegie Commission on Science, Technology, and Government. 1994
Science, technology, and government for a changing world : the concluding report of the Carnegie Commission on Science, Technology, and Government. 1993
Science, technology, and the economy. Hearings, Ninety-second Congress, second session ... 1972
Science, technology, and the federal government national goals for a new era / 1993
Science, technology, and the first amendment : special report. 1987
Science, technology, and the states in America's third century. 1992
State of innovation : the U.S. government's role in technology development / 2011
Survey of science and technology issues present and future : staff report of the Committee on Science and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives, Ninety-seventh Congress, first session. 1981
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