Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 76
Showing: Items 1 - 50

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Select Item Title Year Published
1979 Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution and its 1998 protocols on persistent organic pollutants and heavy metals / 1999
A compilation of Indian treaty fishing rights cases / 1992
A more comprehensive approach is needed to clean up the Great Lakes : report to the Congress / 1982
Basic documents of international economic law 1990
Bringing the facts to life : a guide to articles 14 and 15 of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation : submissions on enforcement matters / 2000
Chippewa treaty rights : the reserved rights of Wisconsin's Chippewa Indians in historical perspective / 1991
Climate change 1995 : economic and social dimensions of climate change / 1996
Cohen's handbook of federal Indian law / 2012
Cohen's handbook of federal Indian law. 2005
Delimitation of the maritime boundary in the Gulf of Maine area : (Canada/United States of America) : Annexes to the memorial submitted by Canada = Delimitation de la frontiere maritime dans la region du Golfe du Maine (Canada/Etats-unis d'Amerique) : annexes au memoire du Canada. 1982
Documents on the use and control of the waters of interstate and international streams : compacts, treaties, and adjudications / 1957
Documents on the use and control of the waters of interstate and international streams: compacts, treaties, and adjudications. 1968
Draft Pacific Northwest Indian tribes legal documents : treaties, agreements, congressional acts and executive orders : 1815-1915 / 2002
Entry into force of the Basel Convention / 1992
Faith in paper : the ethnohistory and litigation of upper Great Lakes Indian treaties / 2011
Felix S. Cohen's Handbook of federal Indian law. 1982
Global biodiversity : status of the earth's living resources : a report / 1992
Great Lakes water quality. Agreement, with annexes and texts and terms of reference, between the United States of America and Canada, signed at Ottawa April 15, 1972. 1972
Great Lakes: An Example of International Cooperation to Control Lake Pollution. 1981
Great Sioux nation sitting in judgment on America : based on and containing testimony heard at the "Sioux treaty hearing" held December, 1974, in Federal District Court, Lincoln, Nebraska / 1977
Greening the Americas : NAFTA's lessons for hemispheric trade / 2002
Guide to understanding Ojibwe treaty rights 1998
Handbook of Federal Indian law : with reference tables and index / 1988
Impact assessment, work group I : memorandum of intent on transboundary air pollution. 1983
Indian affairs laws and treaties / 1990
Indian affairs. Laws and treaties. 1903
Indian treaties : American nightmare / 1976
International environment : U.S. actions to fulfill commitments under five key agreements / 2002
International environmental law and policy : treaty supplement / 2011
International legal materials. 1962
Interpreting NAFTA : the science and art of political analysis / 1998
La conclusion des traites dans la Republique tunisienne 1979
Legal aspects of protecting and managing the marine and coastal environment of the East African region / 1983
Memorandum of intent on transboundary air pollution : strategies development and implementation : interim report / 1981
Messages from Frank's Landing : a story of salmon, treaties, and the Indian way / 2000
Modern treaty law and practice / 2000
NAFTA & the environment : substance and process / 1995
NAFTA and free trade in the Americas in a nutshell 2008
NAFTA and free trade in the Americas in a nutshell 2004
NAFTA and free trade in the Americas in a nutshell / 2012
NAFTA handbook for water resource managers and engineers 1995
NAFTA, report on environmental issues. 1993
NAFTA, the first year : a view from Mexico / 1996
National strategies and policies for air pollution abatement : results of the 1986 major review prepared within the framework of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution / 1987
New sovereignty compliance with international regulatory agreements / 1995
North American Free Trade Agreement : summary and analysis / 1993
North American Free Trade Agreement assessment of major issues : report to the Congress / 1993
Potential effects of OCS oil and gas activities on Oregon and Washington Indian tribes description of overall legal environment and legal status of 16 specified tribes / 1990
Potential effects of OCS oil and gas exploration and development on Pacific Northwest Indian tribes : final technical report / 1991
Regional Efforts Through the LJC to Address Contaminated Bottom Sediment Problems in the Great Lakes. 1992
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