Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 141
Showing: Items 1 - 50

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Select Item Title Year Published
A field guide for science writers : the official guide of the National Association of Science Writers / 1997
American national standard for writing abstracts. 1971
Annotated bibliography on technical writing, editing, graphics, and publishing, 1950-1965. 1966
Art of scientific writing from student reports to professional publications in chemistry and related fields / 1987
ASM style manual for journals and books. 1991
Be a better writer. 1980
Biological criteria : guide to technical literature / 1991
CBE style manual. 1972
Chemist's English 1986
Clear technical writing 1973
Communicating technical information : a guide for the electronic age / 1993
Consumer confidence report writer. 1999
Council of Biology Editors style manual : a guide for authors, editors, and publishers in the biological sciences / 1978
Craft of scientific writing 1987
Craft of scientific writing 1996
Customer-focused business and technical writing : workshop manual / 2010
Designing technical reports : writing for audiences in organizations 1976
Doing science : design, analysis, and communication of scientific research / 2001
Dynamic documents with R and knitr / 2016
Effective technical communication 1982
Effective writing for engineers, managers, scientists 1988
Effective writing strategies for engineers and scientists 1988
Engineers' guide to technical writing / 2001
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program methods format guidance / 1995
Environmental monitoring and assessment program overview : methods format guidance. 1995
Essentials of writing biomedical research papers 1991
Franklin Covey style guide for business and technical communication 1997
Franklin Covey style guide for business and technical communication / 1999
Franklin Covey style guide for business and technical communication / 2010
Franklin Covey style guide for business and technical communication / 2008
From research to manuscript : a guide to scientific writing / 2006
From research to manuscript : a guide to scientific writing / 2009
Good style writing for science and technology / 1992
Guide to Report Writing (Bibliographic References). 1970
Guide to technical writing 1988
Guidelines and format for EMSL-Cincinnati methods / 1983
Guidelines and format for methods to be proposed at 40 CFR part 136 or part 141 / 1996
Guidelines for document designers 1981
Guidelines for Preparation of Reports. 1968
Guidelines for producing superfund documents. 1987
Handbook for authors of papers in American Chemical Society publications. 1978
Handbook for preparing Office of Research and Development reports / 1983
Handbook for preparing Office of Research and Development reports / 1976
Handbook for preparing Office of Research and Development reports / 1978
Handbook for preparing Office of Research and Development reports / 1989
Handbook for preparing Office of Research and Development reports / 1990
Handbook for preparing Office of Research and Development reports / 1986
Handbook for preparing Office of Research and Development reports. 1995
Handbook for preparing Office of Research and Development reports. 1995
Handbook for scientific and technical research 1992
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