Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=T lymphocytes)

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Select Item Title Year Published
7,12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene-Induced Modulation of Cytokines Involved in Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Induction. 1988
Acute, Subchronic, and Chronic Exposure to a Simulated Urban Profile of Ozone: Effects on Extrapulmonary Natural Killer Cell Activity and Lymphocyte Mitogenic Responses. 1990
Alteration of Cellular Interactions in the Immune System: Natural Killer Activity and N Lymphocytes. 1987
Analysis of the Distribution and Dose Response of Chromosome Aberrations in Human Lymphocytes after In vitro Exposure to (137) Cesium Gamma Radiation. 1983
Antigens, lymphoid cells, and the immune response 1971
B cell development and generation of antibody repertoire / 1997
Biologic markers in immunotoxicology / 1992
Cellular and molecular immunology / 2010
Cellular and molecular immunology / 2003
Cellular and molecular immunology / 1994
Characterization of Normal Human Lung Lymphocytes and Interleukin-2-Induced Lung T Cell Lines. 1990
Chromosomal aberrations in peripheral lymphocytes of students exposed to air pollutants / 1978
Chromosomal abnormalities among welder trainees / 1979
Chromosome Aberration Test in Human Lymphocytes In Vitro. SPL Project Number: 2246/0017. 2007
Chromosome aberrations in peripheral lymphocytes of college students as a response to photochemical air pollution / 1981
Chromosome Aberrations in Peripheral Lymphocytes of College Students as a Response to Photochemical Air Pollution. 1981
Comparison of DNA Adducts from Exposure to Complex Mixtures in Various Human Tissues and Experimental Systems. 1993
Comparison of Sister-Chromatid Exchange in Mouse Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes Exposed In vitro and In vivo to Phosphoramide Mustard and 4-Hydroxycyclophosphamide. 1989
Cytogenetic Analyses of Mice Exposed to Dichloromethane. 1990
Cytogenetic Comparison of the Responses of Mouse and Human Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes to 60Co Gamma Radiation (Journal Version). 1988
Cytogenetic Studies of Ethyl Acrylate Using C57BL/6 Mice. 1991
Cytokines and adhesion molecules in lung inflammation 1996
Cytotoxic T cells : biology and relevance to disease / 1988
Deletion Mutations in the hprt Gene of T-Lymphocytes as a Biomarker for Genomic Rearrangements Important in Human Cancers. 1994
Determining effect of pollutants on the immune system / 1981
Diaziquone-Induced Micronuclei in Cytochalasin B-Blocked Mouse Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes. 1987
Direct DNA Sequencing of PCR Products. 1991
DNA Adducts and Induction of Sister Chromatid Exchanges in the Rat Following Benzo(b)-Fluoranthene Administration. 1992
DNA Adducts in Rat Lung, Liver and Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes Produces by i.p. Administration of Benzo(a)Pyrene Metabolites and Derivatives. 1991
DNA Isolation from Small Tissue Samples Using Salt and Spermine. 1991
Effect of Controlled Ozone Exposure on Human Lumphocyte Function. 1982
Effect of Ozone on Human Cellular and Humoral Immunity: Characterization of T and B Lymphocytes by Rosette Formation. 1978
Effect of Ozone on Human Immunity: In vitro Responsiveness of Lymphocytes to Phytohemmagglutinin. 1976
Effects of Acrylamide on Mouse Germ-Line and Somatic Cell Chromosomes. 1989
Effects of Chronic Exposure to 2, 3, 7, 8,-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin on Sister Chromatid Exchange Levels in Peripheral Lymphocytes of the Rhesus Monkey. 1987
Effects of environmental contaminants on cell mediated immunity / 1978
Effects of Inhalation of Ethylene Dichloride on Pulmonary Defenses of Mice and Rats. 1987
Effects of Inhaled Hexachlorobenzene Aerosols on Rat Pulmonary Host Defenses. 1989
Epigenetic regulation of lymphocyte development / 2012
Evaluation of Host Resistance and Immune Function in Cadmium-Exposed Mice (Journal Version). 1985
Evaluation of the Ability of T-5870.2 to Induce Chromosome Aberrations in Cultured Peripheral Human Lymphocytes (with Independent Repeat). 2003
Evaluation of the Immunotoxicity of Low Level PCB (Polychlorinated Biphenyl) Exposure in the Rat. 1989
Evaluation of the Immunotoxicity of Orally Administered 2-Methoxyacetic Acid in Fischer 344 Rats. 1991
Evidence That Drug-Resistant Alloreactive T Cells May Contribute to Human Graft Rejection. 1990
Exposure of Rats to 425-MHz (CW) Radiofrequency Radiation: Effects on Lymphocytes. 1982
Glucocorticoid Effects on Natural and Humoral Immunity in Mallards. 1993
Heterogeneity of Human Natural Killer (NK) Cells: Enrichment of NK by Negative-Selection with the Lectin from 'Erythrina cristagalli' (Journal Version). 1987
Immune Alterations in Rats Following Subacute Exposure to Tributyltin Oxide. 1990
Immunotoxicity of 2-Methoxyethanol Following Oral Administration in Fischer 344 Rats. 1991
Immunotoxicity of Tributyltin Oxide in Rats Exposed as Adults or Pre-Weanlings. 1989
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