Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 40
Showing: Items 1 - 40
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Systems management)

Select Item Title Year Published
Administrative automated office systems feasibility study : Implementation and operational guidelines. 1982
Administrative Automated Office Systems Feasibility Study, Implementation and Operational Guidelines. 1982
AEROS manual series. 1976
Alternative Management Systems. Areawide Waste Treatment Management Plan for the Greater Houston Area (Section 208, P.L. 92-500). 1977
Alternative Technical Subplans. Areawide Waste Treatment Plan for the Greater Houston Area (Section 208, P.L. 92-500). 1977
Analysis of management of electronic records / recommended framework for policy development and dissemination and summary of comments final. 1994
Annual report ... : integration error correction, setting the record straight- an e-government service / 2000
Automatic identification of mass spectra preprocessing, distance measures and classification / 1992
Building a business case for geospatial information technology : a practitioners guide to financial and strategic analysis / 2007
Computer management of a combined sewer system / 1974
Conceptual System Design for an Environmental Information Base for Management of Water and Related Resources by States. 1973
Current Wastewater Management. Areawide Waste Treatment Management Plan for the Greater Houston Area (Section 208, P.L. 92-500). 1977
Database Management Techniques to Ensure Project Integrity. Annual SAS Users Group International Conference (14th). Held in San Francisco, California on April 9-12, 1989. 1989
Elements for Effective Management of Operating Pump and Treat Systems. 2002
Emergency planning for municipal wastewater treatment facilities / 1974
Environmental Information Systems Directory. An Inventory of Environmental Systems. 1976
EPA systems profile : final / 1989
Expert Systems: Tools for Hazardous Waste Managers. 1989
Gaining operational and managerial efficiences through water system partnerships : case studies. 2009
Geographic Information Systems Management Office, USEPA Region V : 1st year of operations. 1989
Guidelines for air quality maintenance planning and analysis. Vol. 10, Reviewing new stationary sources / 1974
How to manage records in the e-Environment. 2006
Information disposition : a practical guide to the secure, compliant disposal of records, media and IT assets. 2017
Management information for solid waste collection / 1972
Managing electronic records 1992
Managing electronic records. 1990
Model State Information System Training Program. Volume V. Handbook for MSIS Components. 1977
Models-3 Installation Procedures for a PC with an NT Operating System (Models-3 Version 4.0). 2000
Models-3 installation procedures for a personal computer with an NT operating system. 2000
Models-3 installation procedures for a Sun workstation with a UNIX-based operation system (Models-3 Version 4.1) / 2001
PC-QTRAK: An Automated Tracking System for Environmental Quality Assurance Activities. 1987
Performance of electronic ballasts and other new lighting equipment 1986
Search INFORM. 1983
Stronger management of EPA's information resources is critical to meeting program needs : report to the Congress / 1980
Summaries of Solid Waste Research and Training Grants - 1970. 1971
Superfund program implementation manual : fiscal year 1993. 1992
Teaching chipmunks to dance : the business leaders' guide to making the distributed enterprise year 2000 compliant / 1998
The e-policy handbook : designing and implementing effective e-mail, Internet, and software policies / 2001
Transportation Air Quality Analysis - Sketch Planning Methods. Volume II: Case Studies. 1979
Transportation air quality analysis : sketch planning methods. 1979

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