Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 193
Showing: Items 151 - 193
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Systems analysis)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Simulation Theory Applied to Water Resources Management. 1969
Simulation Theory Applied to Water Resources Management. Phase III. Development of Optimal Operating Rules. 1972
SOTDAT : final report / 1975
Statistics-Based Approach to Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations. 1989
Studies in the Analysis of Metropolitan Water Resource System. Volume VIII. Some Data and Methods for Analyzing Metropolitan Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse Systems. 1974
Studies in the Analysis of Metropolitan Water Resource Systems. Volume IX. Planning and Operation of Urban Water Quality Management Systems. 1974
Study of Monitoring Required in Regulation of Airport Noise. Volume II. 1974
Study of System Requirements for Implementing a Chemical Substances Information Network. 1977
Summary of the High Plains regional aquifer-system analysis in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming / 1988
Summary of the Office of Toxic Substances requirements resulting from the Toxic Substances Control Act and a preliminary specific for a data management system / 1974
System Analysis Method for Water Quality Management by Flow Augmentation in a Complex River Basin. 1963
System analysis of air pollutant emissions from the chemical/ plastics industry / 1974
System Analysis of the Western Basin of Lake Erie. Report of Research Completed to Sept. 30, 1971. 1971
Systems analysis and simulation in ecology. 1971
Systems Analysis for Great Lakes Water Resources. 1969
Systems Analysis for Urban Water Management. 1970
Systems Analysis for Water Quality Management. Survey and Abstracts. 1971
Systems analysis in ecology / 1966
Systems Analysis of Emissions and Emissions Control in the Iron Foundry Industry. Volume II. Exhibits. 1971
Systems analysis study of solid waste collection management. 1977
Systems Approach to Beach Protection for Oil Spill Incidents. Phase I. Feasibility Study. 1975
Systems Approach to Ecological Baseline Studies. 1978
Systems for Rapid Ranking of Environmental Pollutants. Selection of Subjects for Scientific and Technical Assessment Reports. 1976
Systems information directory. 1980
Systems simulation and solid waste planning : a case study / 1973
Technical Literature Search Systems of EPA. Findings and Recommendations. 1976
Techniques for Identifying and Evaluating Market and Non-Market Benefits and Costs of Water Resource Systems. 1973
Technology transfer : clearinghouses. 1988
The contribution of urban planning to air quality / 1974
The cost of water supply and water utility management / 1977
The fifth discipline fieldbook : strategies and tools for building a learning organization / 1994
The structure and dynamics of networks / 2006
Thinking in systems : a primer / 2008
TRANSIMS Model Design Criteria as Derived from Federal Legislation. 1995
Use of Systems Analysis in the Development of Water Resources Management Plans for New York State. Addendum. 1971
Use of Systems Analysis in the Development of Water Resources Management Plans for New York State. Volume I. 1970
Use of Systems Analysis in the Development of Water Resources Management Plans for New York State. Volume II. Appendixes. 1970
Ventilation Technology Systems Analysis. 1995
WARP: A Model for Regional Documentation of Operational and Exercise Runs. 1976
Water Quality Evaluation of Regionalized Wastewater Systems. 1973
Water Resources Management for Metropolitan Washington: Analysis of the Joint Interactions of Water and Sewage Service, Public Policy, and Land Development Patterns in an Expanding Metropolitan Area. 1973
Water Resources Management for Metropolitan Washington: Analysis of the Joint Interactions of Water and Sewage Services, Public Policy, and Land Development Patterns in an Expanding Metropolitan Area. (Appendices). 1973
Water Supply Management Alternatives for Rhode Island. 1973
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