Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 193
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Systems analysis)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A conceptual model for the movement of pesticides through the environment : a contribution of the EPA Alternative Chemicals Program / 1974
A demonstration of areawide water resources planning / 1978
A regional air pollution study (RAPS) preliminary emission inventory / 1974
Air pollution aspects of the iron foundry industry : February 1971 / 1971
Alternatives for Small Wastewater Treatment Systems. 2. Pressure Sewers/Vacuum Sewers 1977
Analysis Models for Solid Waste Collection. Volume I. 1975
Analytical Techniques for Planning Complex Water Resource Systems. 1974
Application of expert systems technology in water quality modeling, 1989
Applications of Systems Analysis Techniques to Water Resources. 1972
Applied systems analysis : engineering planning and technology management / 1990
Arid Urban Water Management: Some Economic, Institution and Physical Aspects. 1971
Arsenic Removal from Drinking Water By Adsorptive Media U.S. EPA Demonstration Project at Desert Sands MDWCA, NM, Final Performance Evaluation Report. 2008
Arsenic removal from drinking water by adsorptive media U.S. EPA demonstration project at Desert Sands, MDWCA, NM : six month evaluation report / [electronic resource] : 2005
Assessing the Social Impacts of Oil Spills. Proceedings of an Invitational Symposium Co-Sponsored by the Institute on Man and Science and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Held at Rensselaerville, New York on September 25-28, 1973. 1973
Assessment of Optimization Techniques as Applied to Water Resource Systems. 1970
Assessment of Technological Systems. 1980
Automatic Data Processing System Study for Massachusetts General Hospital Diagnostic Radiology Department. 1970
Automobile Sulfuric Acid Emission Control - The Development Status as of December 1975. 1975
Case Study of the Metropolitan Council as an Environmental Management Organization. 1976
Coles County Solid Waste Management System Analysis. 1974
Columbus' Municipal Solid Waste Management System: A Case Study. 1973
Companion User's Guide: A Modular Approach to Analyzing Environmental Management System Projects and Programs. 2006
Comparative assessment of residential energy supply systems that use fuel cells : (executive summary) / 1979
Comparative assessment of residential energy supply systems that use fuel cells : (technical report) / 1979
Complex Systems Analysis of Water Quality Dynamics; The Feedback Systems Structure. 1970
Compliance data system : user's guide. 1977
Compliance data system : user's guide. 1978
Compliance Data System User's Guide. 1976
Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Study of Energy and Resource Recovery, Chautauqua County, New York. 1976
Computer interpretation of pollutant mass spectra / 1976
Computer-Implemented Instructional Game for Evaluation Water Management Alternatives. 1973
Computer-Systems Approach to Environmental Protection, Planning and Management: The Malibu Watershed. 1971
Computerized Educational Program for the Application of the Management Sciences to Water Resource Management. 1971
Decision Making in Water Resource Development and the Potential of Multi-Objective Planning: The Case of the Army Corps of Engineers. 1973
Demonstration of a regional air pollution cost/benefit model / 1971
Design Certification Review Report for the APOLLO 15 Laser Ranging Retro-Reflector Experiment. 1971
Design Certification Review, Supplement for Alsep Array A-2. 1971
Design of cost-effective water quality surveillance systems / 1974
Design of water quality surveillance systems; phase I: systems analysis framework, 1970
Developing a Hydro-Quality Simulation Model. 1970
Development and application of a risk assessment method for radioactive waste management : final contract report / 1978
Development of a Dynamic Water Management Policy for Texas. 1973
Development of a State Water-Planning Model. Part 1. Methodology.. 1971
Dynamic behavior of vinyl chloride in aquatic ecosystems / 1976
Dynamic Simulation of Unsteady Flow of Water Soils and Its Application to Subirrigation System Design. 1971
Economic Model System for the Assessment of Effects of Air Pollution Abatement. Volume I. The OAP Economic Model System Development and Demonstration. 1971
Economic Optimization and Simulation Techniques for Management of Regional Water Resource Systems. 1974
Elements for Effective Management of Operating Pump and Treat Systems. 2002
Emerging Air Quality Modeling Technologies for High Performance Computing and Communication Environments. 1996
Environmental assessment data systems : systems overview manual / 1980
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